Well, just because I'm raising an attack-natured Kecleon with the move Return, I'd like to know
1) At max happiness, what is the power of Return?
2) What is the value of max happiness? How much is that improved with Luxury Ball?
3) When trading over a Pokemon caught in a Luxury Ball, is the happeness reset to the base, or to the base + whatever Luxury Ball gives?
4) What is the minimum value of happiness? Is it 0, or does it go into the negatives?
5) If making Pokemon happier is easier than making them hate you (Or so I've found), does Frustration atleast have the plus of being stronger, or no?
I think I'm good on the questions front
1) At max happiness, what is the power of Return?
2) What is the value of max happiness? How much is that improved with Luxury Ball?
3) When trading over a Pokemon caught in a Luxury Ball, is the happeness reset to the base, or to the base + whatever Luxury Ball gives?
4) What is the minimum value of happiness? Is it 0, or does it go into the negatives?
5) If making Pokemon happier is easier than making them hate you (Or so I've found), does Frustration atleast have the plus of being stronger, or no?
I think I'm good on the questions front