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Happiness Related Questions


Infinity's got 23
Well, just because I'm raising an attack-natured Kecleon with the move Return, I'd like to know

1) At max happiness, what is the power of Return?

2) What is the value of max happiness? How much is that improved with Luxury Ball?

3) When trading over a Pokemon caught in a Luxury Ball, is the happeness reset to the base, or to the base + whatever Luxury Ball gives?

4) What is the minimum value of happiness? Is it 0, or does it go into the negatives?

5) If making Pokemon happier is easier than making them hate you (Or so I've found), does Frustration atleast have the plus of being stronger, or no?

I think I'm good on the questions front


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Well, just because I'm raising an attack-natured Kecleon with the move Return, I'd like to know

) At max happiness, what is the power of Return?

It's 102, without STAB

2) What is the value of max happiness? How much is that improved with Luxury Ball?

Max happiness is like 256 or something... well I know it's in the 200s somewhere.
When you catch a pokemon in a luxury ball, it doesn't really effect the pokemon's max happiness, it just makes the happiness value higher when you catch the pokemon. The amount of happiness the luxury ball raises depend son the pokemon, since every pokemon has its own base happiness, like with base stats.

3) When trading over a Pokemon caught in a Luxury Ball, is the happeness reset to the base, or to the base + whatever Luxury Ball gives?

Not too sure on this one, it may be reset completely since trading always does that. The luxury ball might only be effective while on the game the pokemon was caught on, and it could possibly be reset when traded.

Of course, I'm not 100% sure on this, I would just think of the worse case scenario, and believe the happiness gets reset to minimum, just to be safe.

4) What is the minimum value of happiness? Is it 0, or does it go into the negatives?

It doesn't go into the negatives, I know that.
Though I don't know ifzero is the absolute minimum, since every pokemon has a base happiness, and so the minimum value may depend on that.

5) If making Pokemon happier is easier than making them hate you (Or so I've found), does Frustration atleast have the plus of being stronger, or no?

No, frustration doesn't have any benefits to it, it's maximum base power without STAB is 102, like return.

I hope this helps a bit, I'm really not 100% sur eon all these answers, you sure ask some good questions all right!



Crazy Trainer
1 & 5) That's right 102 for each.
2) Max: 255
2 & 3) Luxury ball doesn't change the max. It doesn't even work like a friend ball and start your current happiness higher. It makes happiness grow quicker. So doing the things you normally do to raise happiness work better with a pokemon in a luxury ball. Trading will set it back to base, but it's still in a luxury ball, so you'll still see happiness grow quickly.
4) Min: 0

I have in my info just that the luxury ball "raises happiness quicker" I'm not sure what that's su


I am the game
on one of the posts, i believe that the luxury ball works on trades.


Infinity's got 23
My wording was terrible for the question with the Luxury Ball and max happiness XD Although I said it like, "How much does it increase the maximum," what I meant in my mind (That I guess I didn't quite type :p) is, "How much does Luxury Ball raise happiness from the base?"

Unless, like slim says, it just raises happiness faster.

Thanks for the answers :D

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
base happiness is usually around 70