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Happy Hoppip's Sprites


Happy Hoppip

Welcome to my sprites. So far I have made 1 sprite

Miror B -

Please give positive comments and constructive crits. This is one of my first humaniod sprite/slice/recolor. And I'm probobly the youngest member here. Im 11.


Bring me the grapes.
its ok.
the face could use a wee bit of improvement.


Staff member
You're not the youngest here, a few are under 10. Ok, the light source on the hair is messed up, on the rest of the body it's cooming from the left, but on the hair it's coming from the right. The shading on the hair is inconsistent, the hair is still one whole thing, so you want the shading to match up on both sides. The outlines aren't shaded correctly everywhere. If you want to learn how to shade them properly, look at the revamp tutorial stickied at the top of this forum. On the bottom of the right pants leg, it is cut off. Also, there are a few weird pixels on the sprit, but that could be the result of saving as a jpeg. Neve save as jpeg, always save as png. If you can't save it as png, pm it to me as bmp, and I'll change it to png for you. However, it's very good for your first sprite, you got all the shapes right, which can be very hard at first. Keep up the good work.


I like it. Yeah, Chaos Emerald is right. Shading is a bit off. You might wanna try it again sometime. Keep up the good work!


No I'm younger then you oh yeah and I think your sprites are cool

English Avatarman

Happy Hoppip said:
Welcome to my sprites. So far I have made 1 sprite

Miror B -

Please give positive comments and constructive crits. This is one of my first humaniod sprite/slice/recolor. And I'm probobly the youngest member here. Im 11.
save as png and then I'll comment

(btw, I'm 10)