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Happy Turkey Day to Americans

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And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Just a note to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving, despite the fact it's the weirdest holidays ever, but you don't want me to start off on that again.

Hope you all have a good day



Hehe, how's it weird? :p Bet you brits have some weird ones, too.
Well I'll just go and enjoy my Turkey now. :D

Je suis meilleur

Well-Known Member
Aren't Canadians in the whole continent of America? >_>

Anyway, though I don't eat turkey nor really celebrate it; I like getting a day off.


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Hehe, how's it weird? :p Bet you brits have some weird ones, too.
Well I'll just go and enjoy my Turkey now. :D

Its essentially celebrating the subjugation of the native culture by the people who have become Americans now


Just a note to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving, despite the fact it's the weirdest holidays ever, but you don't want me to start off on that again.
Don't worry about it. And I'm sure none of you want me to open my mouth or type whatever it is I want to say about this friggin' Holiday!

Anywho, Happy Thanksgiving to the rest of us here in the U.S.

I get today off so that's something for me to enjoy. But then I have to go back to work on Friday and Saturday, so that sucks.


Its essentially celebrating the subjugation of the native culture by the people who have become Americans now

You have a bit of a point there, but I wouoldn't say we "conguered" the Natives. And besides, it was Enlgish settlers who came up with the idea, not natives. :p

Sorry, couldn't help but get another say. ><


*The Water Warrior*
Happy Thanksgiving to you all! My mom has been up since the crack of dawn cooking, though i hate every bit of "thanksgiving type food" turkey, yams, all that jazz, i stay awaf from it, so it looks my thanksgiving dinner will be a bowl of mixed veggies and a redbull. Well happy thanksgiving once again.


Exams already?!
Aren't Canadians in the whole continent of America? >_>

Mexicans too, you know. And people from the rest of South America too.

So I think it should be "Happy Turkey Day to United-Statesians" :p

And even though I'm Mexican, I do get the day *sort of* off.... :D But not because of Thanksgiving.

EDIT: Here we have a sort of holiday like that too, 'cause you could say that the 12th October (the day Christopher Colombus came to America) is celebrating the fact that Spaniards came and conquered natives... But it's more celebrated as "Dia de la Raza" (Day of the People), since it's when two different races (Spaniards and natives) came together. :)

EDIT2: Haha, and I forgot: Happy Turkey Day to United-Statesians! :p
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Happy turkey day to you to i promise to go easy on the cranberrys

Im Thankfull for my family friends dog comunity Itailians and most importantly Turkey
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See here we dont eat turkey we eat um pidgey yum or if we can get it MEW
Happy mew or pidgey day (or turkey if your lame)


Fear him!
There really isn't anything special about Thanksgiving, in my opinion. But thanks Serebii!
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