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Hardest Gym Leader?

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Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if there was already a thread on this, but...

For you, which Gym Leader did you have the most trouble beating? For me, it was Wattson. It was probably because I chose Treecko as my starter, and none of my Pokemon had attacks that were super effective against his Magneton...-_-;; Well, actually my Aron knew Mud Slap, but he was always KO'ed by Shock Wave before he even had a chance to launch the attack...X__x



one love
For me, it was Juan. DTing Kingdra almost made me rip my hair out. I chose Treecko as well and Emerald's Wattson gave me a good match as well.


Juan is a bally old rear-kicker, wot! I started with a Mudkip, so me tail was gettin' jolly well beaten into the ground! He is a tough chap, y'know.
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The Deadman



wattson was easy or me. i chose treeko, but i had a geodude, and magnitue will take care of him in a split second.

winona was probably the hardest. but still not that hard. all the leaders in ru/sa/em are way too easy

Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member
Hmm...For me, Juan wasn't too hard at all.=/ My Sceptile and Manectric totally pwned all his Pokemon...

Oh yeah, Tate and Liza were pretty annoying too...And Flannery was a little hard, but not too tough...



perpetually tired
THE TWINS. I spent 1 1/2 straight trying to beat them (Skamary gave me victory when he had 1 hp). The second game was a breeze. I ice beamed my way to victory.

intergalactic platypus

Only rescues maidens
i had an easy time with wattson on my emerald, but he was a bi*** to beat on my ruby cause i chose treeko. i had grovyle, loudred, pelliper, crobat and a very bad aaron that i dumped cause it was terrible and weak. wattsons magneton absolutley killed me. it was horrible
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Belgian Waffles!!!
The twins, I traded my umbreon from colloseum too my emerald to win :p!!

Cable Guy

Liza & Tate. I tried going through Emerald with only my Blaziken, with my only other Pokemon as an HM Slave. Their Lunatone totally destroyed me...


Flannery, Norman and Liza/Tate.

Flannery and her stupid Sunny Day+Over Heat+White Herb+Paralyzing Body Slam+Attact....But with a little help from Kirlia and Skarmory, Marshtomp and I were victorious..

Norman gave me trouble because my Marshtomp was too slow, but my faithful Skarmory and Marshtomp triumphed in the end...

Liza/Tate with their stupid Sunny Day+EQ combo against my Swampert, but in the end, a few Ice Beams Destroyed them..

Juan wasnt too hard, Winona died from my BoltBeam combo w/Swampy and Gardy
Roxxanne was a bit hard because of Nosepasses high defenses, brawly was easy and so was wattson, but all my pokemon other than Marshtomp fell to a Shock Waving Illumise...Yeah...


Zephyr Trainer
I don't have a problem with any of the gym leaders now, but when I first played Sapphire, it went like this:

Roxanne: She wasn't hard, I had my Shroomish to finish her.

Brawly: Quite hard, I lost the first time, then I decided to train that nice Abra to a Kadabra and in the next battle Brawly was defeated.

Wattson: Not much trouble here, Combusken owned most of his PKMN except Magneton, but then Breloom got out and defeated Magneton.

Flannery: Lost the first time again so I raised my Geodude to a high-level Graveler and defeated her.

Norman: It took 3 times to beat him, that stupid Slaking kept owning my PKMN, I eventually defeated him with alot of luck.

Winowa: Not so hard, remember Graveler? It evolved into a Golem and defeated Winowa's PKMN except Pelipper and Skarmory, they were defeated by Crobat, Alakazam and a little help of Blaziken (he fainted in 2 turns)

Tate & Liza: I don't remember how many times I battled them, these were definitely the hardest Gym Leaders in the game, they owned my PKMN, so I caught an Absol and trained it some levels. I focussed on Solrock totally because Lunatone can't damage Absol but Solrock can (Sunny Day/Solar Beam) and Absol finally defeated their Lunatone with ALOT of Rock Smashes/Cut's and stuff (Lunatone kept recovering and Hypnotising Absol).

Wallace: Of course, because I was still a newby, I had to use my Kyogre with this gym leader, in other words, I owned him...
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onix lord

Well-Known Member
I remember in my Sapphire I had a ton of trouble with Norman. In Emerald I got stuck on Wattson for awhile but not for to long.


Well-Known Member
CharizardMaster said:
The twins, I traded my umbreon from colloseum too my emerald to win :p!!
Um that's impossible, do you mean to ruby or sapphire?

Anyway, on Emerald, Norman gave me a little trouble. Other than that, all easy. With a Machamp, Alakazam, Magneton, Skarmory and Swampert it's kinda hard to lose a gym battle...b

Haku Of Mist

In my last game was the first time I played R/S So this is how it went

Roxxane: Damn Hard. Tried like 4 times. Then I had my Torchic evolve into Combusken and PWN her.

Brawly: Not too hard I think. I had Peck

Wattson: Easy as Pie. My Double Kick PWNed him.

Flannery: Don't Ask

Norman: This guy? He was as easy to beat as to jump off a bed. HE kept YAWNing my Combusken so I kept retreating him, but otherwise it was easy

Wionna: Blaze Kick put her down easy

Tate & Liza: I think they were pretty easy. My Blaziken and Absol did the trick. I had so much fun with them, I didn't save, so I could fight them again. XD lol

Wallace: My Kyogre with Thunderbolt killed him simple.


Beans backing up...
A tie. Twins and Norman. Twins because of that Claydol. Couldn't take it down. Norman left me with one Pokemon. Torkoal against Slaking. Torkoal had barely any HP left, Slaking just came out. If it wasn't for Protect and Truant, I don't know what.

Howling Cat

It would have to be Roxanne and wattson even with my combusken I couldn't kill her nosepass so I had to train it higher.
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