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Hardest pokemon to capture/recruit?


My hardest to recruit was Mew. My hardest to capture was Charizard or Salamence.
All were pretty easy though.
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my hardest to recruit: blastoise (had to be lv.90+ with friend bow)
my hardest capture: I don't have the game yet:( (will edit this post when I find my hardest capture.)


ooo, what's cooking?
Hardest to recruit is and was, Zapdos, it took me ages.
Hardest to capture, either Mew( I still can't get him to stay in 1 place :( )
or rayquaza, which i just got, with major difficulty, but gengar saved the dat for me (Whoop ;) )


Hardest to recruit: Groudon??? There aren't really any that are hard except the fully evolved water evos and Kecleon. But I don't have them. :D
Hardest to capture: Like I'm playing that game. :D
My hardest recruit was - Gee, I dont know... emmm.. OH OH! Pikachu! That little devil took me 2 days to recruit! Little Devil...

My hardest capture was - The 2 dogs and that lighting tiger thing. AKA Entei, Suicune, Raikou.


Well-Known Member
Chansey and Ponyta are the hardest to recruit imo, right up there with Jirachi.

I have most of the others >_>


Equine enthusiast
I can't seem to recruit Silcoon or Cascoon. I'm tired of going into the Sinister Forest for those two. 9_9 Serebii.net's spin-off dex saids the chances of recruiting them is 19%. I've been getting a lot of Sentret wanting me to recruit them though the chances of recruiting Sentret is 7.3% according to the dex. I don't get it. I should be raking in more Silcoon and Cascoon than Sentret, right? o_O


I wanted ketchup!!!
Hardest to recruit Groudon
Hardest to Capture I dont have the game but i will get it


sharingan warrior
hardest to recuit:snorlax and groudon
hardest to capture:havent got the game yet:(


Drifblim landing!
I can't seem to recruit Silcoon or Cascoon. I'm tired of going into the Sinister Forest for those two. 9_9 Serebii.net's spin-off dex saids the chances of recruiting them is 19%. I've been getting a lot of Sentret wanting me to recruit them though the chances of recruiting Sentret is 7.3% according to the dex. I don't get it. I should be raking in more Silcoon and Cascoon than Sentret, right? o_O

You *Rolleyes* that's -19 as in negative number.
Hardest to recruit is Kecleon by a land slide.


Equine enthusiast
You *Rolleyes* that's -19 as in negative number.
Hardest to recruit is Kecleon by a land slide.

Why didn't you just say I was wasting my time going after those two and go after Wurmple instead? That would have been more helpful. *rollseyes* I tried recruiting Nuzleaf numberous times and just looked at its number in the dex which is also -19. Wonder who else I've wasted time trying to recruit that's got a negative number! -_-


Well-Known Member
hardest to capture was definitely groudon and kecleon

hardest to capture: don't have the game yet :(


Zigzagoon luv
Um. Hoot-Hoot, Yeah I didn't recruit It When I was lv.96!
Don't Have the Game Yet, So I didn't capture any pokemon.