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Harley's More Feminity in Season 9


I'm a little Seedot.
"I have to go powder my nose." WHAT THE F*CKD*MNF*CK?
"Sorry, honey!" AGAIN, WHAT THE F*CKD*MNF*CK?

Harley's Femininity.


Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
Honestly, I don't see any difference in how he was dubbed under PUSA than he was under 4Kids. Remember, the previous season had him calling May "girlfriend".


Well-Known Member
harley is SOOOOO creepy, i just saw the episode where (s)he battles with ariados and octillery against munchlax. ewwwwww. shaking the butt, i mean jesse asked james who was preetier her or harley, a bit random but i geuss they forgot his gender. lord knows i do. yeah the powder the nose and the hon and stuff. may should just call him *** and incinerate her ***. i mean his... he was a stupid character, couldnt they have just made it a girl?! i thought harley WAS a girl before they aired in america when all i saw of him was teh serebii shots.

and harley is a freaking GIRLS name too.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
The only girl I've ever heard of named Harley was Harley Quinn from Batman, and she's fictional (besides, her real name is Harleen). All the Harleys I've ever known IRL have been male.

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
Posted by WOBBUFFET:
"I have to go powder my nose." WHAT THE F*CKD*MNF*CK?
"Sorry, honey!" AGAIN, WHAT THE F*CKD*MNF*CK?

Harley's Femininity.

Harley's always been femenine. What you are stating is homophic, which can be obviously noticed by your choice of words. We don't need homophobes here at Serebii, so I'd be careful if I were you.

Posted by Redeevee:
harley is SOOOOO creepy, i just saw the episode where (s)he battles with ariados and octillery against munchlax. ewwwwww. shaking the butt, i mean jesse asked james who was preetier her or harley, a bit random but i geuss they forgot his gender. lord knows i do. yeah the powder the nose and the hon and stuff. may should just call him *** and incinerate her ***. i mean his... he was a stupid character, couldnt they have just made it a girl?! i thought harley WAS a girl before they aired in america when all i saw of him was teh serebii shots.

and harley is a freaking GIRLS name too.

1. My, my, however did you manage to spell "Eevee" right? 'Cause what you have written above certainly isn't English, methinks.

2. Harley isn't stupid. You simply don't get him. And no, he could not have been made into a girl. He's fine the way he is.

3. Harley is not a girl's name. 'Tis a guy's name. Know what you're talking about before you state it.

There is obviously homophobia going on here. Somebody close this thread (it's pointless)...
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Cascade Trainer
There are feminine heterosexual guys out there. I mean, James uses to dress like a woman (as well as Jessie uses to dress like a man). Why doesn't anyone comment that?


Well-Known Member
Harley is just about the most entertaining character on the show because he's so effeminate and over the top. I don't believe they can take his femininity too far.


Well-Known Member
idk know if some one said this but he also called brock,ash,and max her boy toys

im not gay but why do people hate gays

also harley is da boom srry for the loserdom over there but still harley is cool. and harley is more like a drag queen. he acts gay but is actually manly. i mean if he was really really gay, and using stereotypicalness he would love cute pokemon . and i donb't think cacturne aridos and octillary are cute .exeption is wigglytuff but wigg is evil
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Well-Known Member
i dont hate him cause he's gay, i hate him because its a kids show and hes a creepy character, and annoying. thats usually a topic thats avoided on kids shows. he would be less annoying if he was a girl, just so my little brother would quit asking me if he was a boy or girl.

My, my, however did you manage to spell "Eevee" right? 'Cause what you have written above certainly isn't English, methinks.

i type, fast, and sloppily, i dont like to change my typos cause it wastes time, and ppl usually get the message, methinks.
i dont hate him cause he's gay, i hate him because its a kids show and hes a creepy character, and annoying. thats usually a topic thats avoided on kids shows. he would be less annoying if he was a girl, just so my little brother would quit asking me if he was a boy or girl.
Yeah, he's horrible because he's unique! How dare he be different!

And your little brother really needs help. It should be obvious that Harley is male.


Yeah, ok!
Anyone with a sense of humour or has a taste for good writing likes Harley.

He's one of the best characters to ever come out of Pokemon. If you don't like him, you have no soul.


Confusion is bliss
Harley's always been femenine. What you are stating is homophic, which can be obviously noticed by your choice of words. We don't need homophobes here at Serebii, so I'd be careful if I were you.

its not so much that hes homophobic, just pointing out the strageness of a gay character in childrens anime... at least thats what it seems like to me. maybe its more widely accepted in Japan.

Somebody close this thread (it's pointless)...

there is obviously some mini-moding going on here.
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