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Harrison Hoenn Pokemon


power of vapor
We know that Harrison has Blaziken and Kecleon as Hoenn pokes but I'm sure that he has more. Maybe Linoone, Ludicolo, Aggron, Medicham...

What do you think?



Champion Scientist
Richie made returns after one series. Theres a possibility Ash will run into Harrison, remember he planned to go to Kanto.
The writers seriously need to bring Harrison back. That would give them a good excuse to showcase Manyula, wouldn't it? It's obvious he has more Hoenn Pokemon. And we must see them. I liked Harrison a lot. It's possible since Harrison comes from Hoenn, which means he's probably already competed in the Hoenn League, and he's been in the Johto League, Ash may see him in Kanto? Is that too much to hope for? Is it?


vaporeon89 said:
Maybe Linoone, Ludicolo, Aggron, Medicham...
What the hell is THAT based on? You just pulled them Pokemon out of nowhere. You also forgot about Sneasel. ;/

Meh. At this point, I wouldn't care if Harrison came back.


Contaminated KFC
.....why do so many people seem to like Harrison so much? I really fail to understand the fascination with him.

I think Harrison probably owns Skitty, Kirlia and Roselia.
I don't think its necessary to elaborate on my predictions~

V Faction

Didn't you see Harrison back in "Jirachi: Wishmaker" after he got his sex change and renamed himself Dianne?


Contaminated KFC
And here I was thinking that Dianne was actually the infamous Dr. Proctor all this time. Man, am I ever embarrassed.


Custom User Title
I really liked Hazuki, but unfortunately I doubt we'll ever see him again. Though if we did it would be a great opportunity to showcase Manyula.

Lol opportunity. In Pocket Monsters. Rofl.


Champion Scientist
People like Harrison because he beat Ash in the League and Ash used his most powerful Pokemon (Not like Richie who beat Ash because Charizard was a lazy stubern guy)


power of vapor
Jynxo said:
What the hell is THAT based on? You just pulled them Pokemon out of nowhere. You also forgot about Sneasel. ;/

Meh. At this point, I wouldn't care if Harrison came back.

This names are only ideas not real harrison pokemon



<========Ball Squeez
Gaiash said:
People like Harrison because he beat Ash in the League and Ash used his most powerful Pokemon (Not like Richie who beat Ash because Charizard was a lazy stubern guy)
No, Ash lost because he did a crappy job with his Charizard.


Harrison is pretty much a forgotten character now, we haven't heard of him since the Johto League, which was a long time ago. I still think he should have had a hoso on him, or maybe a future one, if hoso's still exist.


Poison Tail!!
How does anyone know he competed in the Hoenn league just cause he was from Hoenn? I think after he got Torchic he traveled to Johto for some reason and got Kecleon along the way. They couldnt give Harrison lots of Hoenn pokemon for the Johto League for obvious reasons and since Kecleon had already been shown its not really a surprise he had one. It would be cool to see him again with some cool Kanto pokemon.


power of vapor
RaikousThunder said:
How does anyone know he competed in the Hoenn league just cause he was from Hoenn? I think after he got Torchic he traveled to Johto for some reason and got Kecleon along the way. They couldnt give Harrison lots of Hoenn pokemon for the Johto League for obvious reasons and since Kecleon had already been shown its not really a surprise he had one. It would be cool to see him again with some cool Kanto pokemon.

In my opinion, I think that Harrison first tryed to win the Hoenn league and when he lost it , he came to Johto



Champion Scientist
articuno_trumps_all said:
No, Ash lost because he did a crappy job with his Charizard.
Charizard was being lazy because he didn't want to follow Ashs commands. Ash didn't get a chance to train Charizard well because Charizard didn't want to be his Pokemon.


Contaminated KFC
Raikou's thunder said:
How does anyone know he competed in the Hoenn league just cause he was from Hoenn?
Because its a lot more logical? If you're a begining trainer who grew up in Houen, chances are thats where you're going to start off. You'll be aware of various locations and the majority of pokémon that live there, and its really all just a lot more convienient.
For all we know, Harrison could have won the Houen league, but lost in Johto because he wasn't familliar with some of the pokémon he'd be going up against.

Gaiash said:
Ash didn't get a chance to train Charizard well because Charizard didn't want to be his Pokemon.
What do you mean he didn't get a chance? He didn't even try to train it. He just sent it into battle and expected Charizard to listen to him, for whatever bizzare reason.


Izit cuz I is black?
Gravy said:
What do you mean he didn't get a chance? He didn't even try to train it. He just sent it into battle and expected Charizard to listen to him, for whatever bizzare reason.

Yeah, didn't Charizard go about 15 episodes before appearing again after evolving?