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Harry Potter Dragon- Chinese Fireball

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Well, it originally just started out as some random sketch I did while I was waiting to see the movie, but then my friend insisted that I color it. So here's the final product, I think it came out rather nicely. The feet are hidden behind rock ^^;, I tried but I just couldn't draw them. Comments please, I'd like to know what I need to work on.

Wow; it's very pretty. Don't the HP dragons just rock?:D Nice work, may2; keep up the good work.:)


Wow, this is just excellent, excellent coloring, though I don't like too much white that doesn't excactly serve a purpose XP;


cherry BLOSSOM.
Off Topic: I don't think it showed the Chinese Fireball in the movie...?

On Topic: Wow, it looks great!

~;173; Fallen


Gary's ♥Fallen Angel♥ said:
Off Topic: I don't think it showed the Chinese Fireball in the movie...?

On Topic: Wow, it looks great!

~;173; Fallen

I know, but I have a small statue of one, and I used it as my reference.

Torchic23 said:
It looks good except the chinese fireball has lot's of spikes.Nice shading

I think you mean the Hungarian Horntail?

As for the other two, thanks and I'm glad everyone likes it!


Well-Known Member
It's really good. I'm no good with coloring myself. I suggest you color in the rest of the background, the dragon doesn't match with white very well. But it's very good and detailed too. ^^


Yeah, I'm experimenting with backrounds right now. I'm trying to find one that fits. Anyways, thankyou for the reply.
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