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Haruno Sakura

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crystal azurill

...Probably the best digital pic I've drawn so far... I'm better with photoshop now, but I use too long time... Almost 3 months on this!

And sorry that I haven't been here in a while...

Please, review! And yes, I think Naruto rules!


Over all a very nice pic. The background and effects are really nice.
The shading is well done as well. The only thing i would say is that the coloring on her face makes it look durty. Try to put less dark on her face in a light pic like that.


Master Coordinator
That's a nice job - I like everything except the hair (which is a bit off colours, hers is darker) and the expression. It just seems... Un-Sakuraish. If that makes sense. o.o

crystal azurill

Thank you all... And I know, the color is wrong, I noticed when I was shading, but I didn't bother doing it over again. And I did the face first, when I still hadn't checked tutorials or anything so I'm not really satisfied with the shading either, but thank you, I'll remember next time!


Oooooh.. I like it. I'm guessing the petals are the petals of a cherry blossom, since that's what her name means... The only thing I'd say is off is her hair color. Other than that, it's great *claps* ^^


Well-Known Member
It's beautiful. And 3 whole months? Really showed up in the results. ^^
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