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Has anyone else been there from the beggining?


a huddleflash
I was wondering if anyone else read that preview for pokemon in the nintendo power magazine somewhere around 97/98? I know that's how I got into pokemon, I was wondering if there was anyone else who also has been playing since it came out? I got the first ones when I was... 10 I guess. That was 8 years ago! Anyhow, thank you for replying. I guess I was feeling a bit nostalgic. :)


Slow and steady baby
I heard about it from a different source.

I remember... a long, long time ago.

A commercial came on, it was edited parts of the original Pokemon theme song/intro, and at the end it said "Pokemon Gotta Catch em' All!" and displayed the day it was going to be premiered.

I waited until that day, watched it, soon became addicted, covered my room with Pokemon merchandise.


Now i just like the cards/RPG.

Lord Umbreon

The Dark Leader
i saw the first time it showed in america i was like 5, and also ive been playing the games since they came out, dont know the exact date it started


Game & Software Dev
I've been a fan since Pokemon came out in Australia in 1998. I regret it now though after adding up all the money i spent *shudder*...

I'm not much of a fan now as you might've guessed...


a huddleflash
I heard about it from a different source.

I remember... a long, long time ago.

A commercial came on, it was edited parts of the original Pokemon theme song/intro, and at the end it said "Pokemon Gotta Catch em' All!" and displayed the day it was going to be premiered.

I waited until that day, watched it, soon became addicted, covered my room with Pokemon merchandise.


Now i just like the cards/RPG.

Hahaha, you'll never believe it. A short time after seeing the nintendo power preview, I somehow got my hands on some kind of promotional video that had that commercial and the first episode of pokemon. I watched it about a million times before the show finally aired on kids wb. I wonder what happened to that video?


a huddleflash
I've been a fan since Pokemon came out in Australia in 1998. I regret it now though after adding up all the money i spent *shudder*...

I'm not much of a fan now as you might've guessed...

All that matters is if you're ready to go on wifi for diamond and pearl.


Slow and steady baby
Hahaha, you'll never believe it. A short time after seeing the nintendo power preview, I somehow got my hands on some kind of promotional video that had that commercial and the first episode of pokemon. I watched it about a million times before the show finally aired on kids wb. I wonder what happened to that video?

Wouldn't it be dope to watch that video again now that we're older?

See how we react to it, compared to our past selfs.



a huddleflash
Wouldn't it be dope to watch that video again now that we're older?

See how we react to it, compared to our past selfs.


Oh my god, yeah. Or to sell it on ebay for an unfair amount of money.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't a subscriber to Nintendo Power at that time. I was, however, a shopper at Toys R Us. They sent me a short five minute video explaining about Pokémon. I remember wondering who the heck Ash was, because this was before the show premiered in the States.

I really wanted the games. At that time, my brother was working at a video game store, so I got the games the night they came out. I also got a limited edition promotional poster that no one else has.

I was a watcher of the show the day it premiered. I remembered that it was for an hour. The SS Anne episode, and then the first one.
I've also been into pokemon since it came out. Even though I was forced to play the games on a non-color Gameboy Pocket, I was and still am addicted to pokemon and everything about it. (except the TCG)


Ready for a vacation
Not subscribed to Nintendo Power, but channel surfing one day I came across the first episode on UPN, way before Kids WB took it. My brother and I were some of the very first kids in our school to know about Pokemon. After that it rapidly became more and more popular though, so the quesions such as "What's a Pikachu?" quickly stopped, but I can still be proud of the fact I was among the first fans. :3
I saw this "Pocket Monsters" thing in magazines, and then I saw the anime being shown on SkyOne. I watched it (My first anime!) and loved it, then told people at school about it. It was dismissed, then the games came out and everyone got into it. Yay.


Well-Known Member
I've liked it ever since i got my Blue Version all those years ago


Leave my posts alone
Does Yellow count?
I remember SEEING Red+Blue at Tea Tree Plaza's Big W. Man, I must have been wondering, "What the?".
I was wondering if anyone else read that preview for pokemon in the nintendo power magazine somewhere around 97/98? I know that's how I got into pokemon, I was wondering if there was anyone else who also has been playing since it came out? I got the first ones when I was... 10 I guess. That was 8 years ago! Anyhow, thank you for replying. I guess I was feeling a bit nostalgic. :)

I'm from the beggining...


Natsu no Maboroshi
I saw the first episode of pokemon in 1998 so I've been a fan since I was almost 4!

I also saw it, and since that moment I became a pokemon fan (I was 11)

Grass Guardian

Rags to Riches
I heard about it from a friend back in 99. I remember I was ten when I first watched the very first episode and feeling happy that I was old enough to be a pokemon trainer. Yeah, I missed the first year of it in America, but I still caught it really early. :)


I got my Gameboy Color and Blue Version for my 5th birthday