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Has anyone else noticed...?

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Pokemon Master
Mods, feel free to close this anytime :)

Lately, I've seen so many n00bs around here. Too many n00bs. Havn't they read the rules? Oh, wait. That's right! They're n00bs! I don't know if it's just me, but it seems like if there's quadruple the number of n00bs there was about a month ago. More threads are being posted in after months of just sitting on the 10th page.

I think we should do something about this. Well, post if you want to debate or agree with me. Later!


Well-Known Member
you see i disagree one this one. Every one knows that noobs have bad spelling (but so do I)(but i may still a noob i guess) but if there were no noobs then there'd be no people on this forum. ever one was a noob at one time. even if it wasn't on serebii.

(p.s. i dont think this goes in the comic area.)


Loser w/o shoes
I think that you have to define the term "noob" because everyone may have a different opinion about how to define one.
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