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has anyone noticed?

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gengar and alakazam fan

Collecter of shiny!
has anyone ever noticed that ash always gets the grass starter for each region? Also have you noticed that in the pokemon leage he always meets a friend and eventulay has to fight him and loses?

Elite 4

Pokemon is for nerds
Yes, we have.

But it's not very true. First gen, he got all three, next gen, he got all three. Then he just got the grass starter and then he did again.

How do we know he won't get a fire type next gen?


So hot he's on fire.


Scary Faerie♥
First gen, he got all three, next gen, he got all three. Then he just got the grass starter and then he did again.

He gets the grass starter this time? Interesting. I thought he would of gotten the fire starter this time.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
This is the most obvious topic ever.
Nah, I think that one topic yesterday about Weavile in the opening screen far exceeds this. At least this is noticing some blatantly obvious pattern.


Feraligatr Master
What topic? This is completely obvious by now, and you shouldn't have made a topic on it.

so true lmao... :eek:
Seriously I know Pokemon is a kid´s show but a retard 5 Y.O notices that...
I might as well create a thread called:
"Have you noticed Brock gets hell horny with every girl in the anime!?"


I'm closing this for being the sheer damn SPAM HOLE that it's turned out to be. I've sent PMs to the members responsible.
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