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Has anyone purified and traded ShadowLugia?

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Veteran Trainer
Is there a thread like this?If so can u tell me were?I traded mines to emerald.Wat about U?


DeoxysTrainer said:
Is there a thread like this?If so can u tell me were?I traded mines to emerald.Wat about U?
No, but I know how to get it.

1. It's at lowest Purify Stats (right?)
2. At the vitural purify thing fill them with Hoppip.
3. Put Shadow Lugia in one
4. DaTaa! Trade to FRLG/RSE or keep as sovenir


Matt the Drat
DeoxysTrainer: Please don't double post, and please don't act like a moron.

Anyway, to the thing...I purified it quickly and just traded it over to my Emerald because Emerald was just the closest game that I had. :p


DeoxysTrainer said:
Is there a thread like this?If so can u tell me were?I traded mines to emerald.Wat about U?

You can actually trade it? Does it count as Lugia in the Pokedex or a seperate Pokemon???

pokemon master:Stranger

Surprise buttsecks!
when you have purefied it and it will go to back to being a completly normal lugia and in your pokedex it will come up as normal lugia back to the topic im going to trade my lugia to my leaf green so it can be part of my best team.

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
I got Lugia already in one of my games, spend a few hours battling before healing, cause wanted to see how long I could go without doing that, and when I healed it, it got 30,000 exp, well, 32,405, give or take, and grew to level 54 after one more fight XD

1. It's at lowest Purify Stats (right?)
2. At the vitural purify thing fill them with Hoppip.
3. Put Shadow Lugia in one
4. DaTaa! Trade to FRLG/RSE or keep as sovenir

It's Tadaa, TADAA. Anyways why the hell waste so much time catching so many Hoppip? As 4 pokemon x 9 chambers = a whole damn waste of time to catch that many hoppip.

Shadow Lugia's heart gauge doesn't lower, btw. It stays full at 4 bars. Untill you put it in the chambers to be purified.


My brother purified and traded his Lugia. I'm almost there but I spend too much time training my Pokemon because I can't stand to have low-level POkemon.


I haven't purified mine yet, I'm still debating wheter or not I will since I have a Lugia from the Mystic Ticket Download. Eventually I probably will for the fun of it.
Lol irony. I JUST Purified it and traded it. Really, I was unimpressed at the Purification. I expected some huge, maddeningly cool Pufiying process, but all that was different was that Lugia disappeared for a moment and reappeared with its normal colors.

The 8th Champion
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