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Has anyone though about this?


Well-Known Member
Adding Pokemon crys to the Pokedex. No pokedex arround the internet has that, and, well, it is pretty cool.
Actually I have seen that on a few sites before, although they are the less popular ones.

Cries are boring anyway to tell the truth. They're not insightful and don't exactly help anyone with anything. They sound horrible as well, for the most part.


It would be a waste. for 1 you would need speakers or headphones plugged in your pc and the crys are actually annoying and don't give any important info.

Matsudai Tasogare

Forever And Ever
Bandwidth is the big problem. Plus the trouble to get all the crys, which will probably be in MP3 format. Maybe midi.


Well-Known Member
i havent seen pokedex crys on sites...?