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Hassle In The Castle! (167)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Hassle For The Castle!

After being caught in a heavy Storm, Ash & Co. rush to find shelter finding only a Castle which is used as a small health resort. The Owner has a Zubat and Brock instantly falls for her. However they get lost and the only way to get back is with Zubat's Supersonic. Can they do this?

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Team Awesome
If Wilhemina is my choice for Brock's best love interest, Dr. Anna is a very close second. I think she and Brock really had great chemistry in this episode, and it's a joy to watch them. I also love how they have to work with Team Rocket to get out of the labyrinth. Wobbuffet is also great in this episode as he does spooky noises and volunteers to go with Jessie. :D


Geodude said:
I finally decided to figure out how to make soundclips, and it's much easier than I thought. :D

TR's hilarious motto from this ep.

It would have been even funnier if James had used the *proper* word to go with Jessie's 'iching' line. It begins with 'b', and sounds like 'Mitching'.

I mean, 'Jessie's complaining?' XD

That aside, I hated this episode. I really didn't like Dr. Anna... for one, her hair creeped me out. (It was made out of plastic I tells ya!) That, and the whole 'Brock getting married with Ash and Misty at their wedding' really... well, you know. Ash is certainly the type of guy to wear a cap with a suit.

But there were some cute interactions between Jessie and Wobbuffet, which made up for it.


Custom User Title
Yeah, that was really funny. I knew they weren't going to say that on a kids' television show, but still.XD I also liked when they were getting all creeped out at Wobbuffet's shadow making the ghostly noises. It's just like "Waaa... waaa... waaa... Waaaabbuffet!" I don't know, the delivery there was just hilarious.XD Overall, a pretty good episode, and it was nice to see Zubat finally get some time in the spotlight.
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Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
The Team Rocket motto for this episode was, hands down, the BEST change 4Kids ever made to the Japanese dialogue. And it's very rare that they even make a decent change at all. The first time I heard it, I literally did a double take and said to myself "Oh my God, they actually DID that?!"

Of course, they tried to repeat their success in a later episode by having James describe a battle involving an Omanyte as being "one shell of a fight". I hope they learned that substituting swears doesn't work if it's a cheap pun.



I saw this ep. today, and yup the motto was the best part. i was gonna comment, but u guys beat me to the punch.

My 19 year old brother and me(14) actually laughed at something in pokemon. It was ...well,cool cause pokemon is never funny usually.

(ur probly wondering while two old kids were watching pokemon, well, we werent, itz a long story)


isn't this the one when Brocks Zubat evolves into a Golbat?


Storm Trainer
vulpix said:
isn't this the one when Brocks Zubat evolves into a Golbat?
that happened way back in the Koga episode. And Golbat doesn't evolve into Crobat for a little while also.


Team Awesome
Fierce Deity said:
that happened way back in the Koga episode. And Golbat doesn't evolve into Crobat for a little while also.

No, this *is* the episode where Zubat evolves. The golbat from before was Koga's.
I really like this episode and it was nice to see Zubat finally evolve


Well-Known Member
A funny episode, I really enjoyed it, Brock and Dr. Anna really got good chemistry together to bad it didn't work out, but I enjoyed Brock's fantasy of them getting married. Nice to see an episode where Zubat finally gets a chance to shine, also nice to see Brock's Zubat evolve into Golbat. I got plenty of laughs at watching Jessie getting impatient and setting off those traps along with Wobbuffet, to bad it was Jessie that set them all off.


hysterical fan
Interresting episode.

All the episode of pokemon are nearly the same (Ash going good job, teamrocket doing bad job, ash met team rocket, blast off TR, ash finish is good job)

But this one, it's kinda different.
