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Hatching A Plan! (232)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Hatching A Plan!

Ash's New Egg is starting to glow and hatches into a Phanpy! However soon after hatching, Phanpy runs off. Will Ash be able to find his new Pokémon before Team Rocket get it?

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Ah, the episode where Ash gets ;231; . This was a pretty good episode. I liked seeing the development in Phan's attitude towards Ash. We again see an electric attack hurt a ground type... The rescue scene near the end was a bit difficult to swallow, however... Didn't seem at all realistic. Oh well, it was an otherwise good episode.


Team Awesome
I felt bad for Phanpy when it got shocked by Pikachu's electricity, even though it probably shouldn't have been affected by the attack, but I'm glad phanpy bonded with Ash by the end of the episode. I did like how phanpy got interested in Meowth's tail, though, and the reference to snubbull. :) I also liked Jessie trying to start the motto an extra couple of times, and Team Rocket's shockproof outfits.


To know the unkown
There's something philliac about Meowth's painted back side and Phanphy's trunk. Otherwise, TR once again steals the show. It twas cute seeing Ash try to cheer Pikachu up.


Codenumber 242
This episode was good. I have to admit, though, that Phanpy's dodging wasn't very good.
Aww.baby Phanphy got shocked, at least they managed to work things out :), I love Ash's Phanpy, he's cute


I have returned.....
The good news? Ash gets a Phanpy. The bad news? TR got that Phanpy and Pikachu made it go away since it shocked Phanpy down. The funniest part around is that when Meowth uses its tail for disguise as another Phanpy. However, when it did it the second time, Phanpy wouldn't follow. It turns to be a trick after all. It's impossible that Phanpy got shocked that's because electric attacks don't work well against gound types.


he he, phanphy got a big shock from pikachu that had to hurt:p
it weasn't one of the best episodes but still nice, i'll give it a 8/10.


Well-Known Member
Good episode nice to finally see the egg Ash got hatch or evolve into a Phanpy since they really don't show hatching Pokemon anymore in the anime the just put in the evolving sequence and call that hatching. Phanpy is cute and a very good addition to Ash's team interesting that it actaully gets electrocuted in this when it's a ground Pokemon, but in later episodes they actually show Phanpy enjoying Pikachu's little shocks when playing around.


kiss my greens
So now we know the mystery of the egg.

Aw, this episode was kinda sad. I felt bad for Phanpy... but I think Ash really forged a deep bond with it in this episode, so that's always a plus ^^


Grass Pokemon Expert
I felt bad for poor Phanpy throughout this episode. I think Ash was being a little too hard on it right when it just hatched. It only wanted to play. I also felt bad that it got electrocuted by Pikachu...even though it's a ground type. I am glad that everything worked out for the best though.


Phanpy was afraid of Ash and his friend, it was cute...but than it overcome it's feers, the battle with TR was good for him.


Let's go to the beach, each.
I was waiting for it to hatch. I had predicted a Wynaut (the commercials showed something blue with Ash for a split second).

It was good. I mean, it was sad that once it hatched, it was attacked but it was still good. Something new every once in a while is ok with me.

Here's to Phanpy's bright future, 8/10


Shiny Flygon
Now when I see again Phanpy running away only because of Pikachu's Electric move, I'm happy. Phanpy showed later that it is capabale to be strong and mature and did what Ash's been doing all the time -- to blast Team Rocket!


No longer posting
This episode was very cool. Seeing Phanpy for the 1st time, and being the Pokemon that hatched from the egg was very cool. Phanpy is very cute! Meowth making his tail look like Phanpy was very odd. It was nice to see Phanpy warming up to Ash as the episode went on. Its Rollout attack is very cool to look at.



Well-Known Member
This episode was good. Cool to see Phanphy for the first time. Ashame Ash did not use it for his proper team at this point.
