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haunter or gengar


which do you like better?
the second evo or the final evo?
I like huanter becuase it looks better and gengar is ugly,plus huanter looks more like a ghost,and it looks like it could send its arm flying for a super shadow punch,
which do you like better?
gengar is ugly

:( You make my bishie cry....*pats Gengar on the back* Oh well. It's better this way. At least I don't have to fight with anyone to share my bishie. He's all for me <3

Anyways. Gengar pwns Haunter. Haunter is cool though, but it looks more creepy than Gengar. Gengar is creepy in his own way though, but I still would cuddle him :3


:( You make my bishie cry....*pats Gengar on the back* Oh well. It's better this way. At least I don't have to fight with anyone to share my bishie. He's all for me <3

Anyways. Gengar pwns Haunter. Haunter is cool though, but it looks more creepy than Gengar. Gengar is creepy in his own way though, but I still would cuddle him :3

thats why i like huanter,cuase hes creepy,hes one of the few creepy things that I like,but gengar looks like a person with no neck,spikey hair,with three fingers covered in purple paint,huanter actually looks like a ghost,
XD True. Gengar are meant to be mischievous, whereas Haunter are more menacing. That's why Haunter is more creepy. Gengar is supposed to be scary too, but he just isn't. Well, at least not to me. I'd want one as a pet. Haunter would be great to have, if you could actually trust one. They're not exactly loyal Pokemon. I think of a Gengar more as a loyal pet, while Haunter is more of a vicious guard dog that you can't really trust. I wonder why Gengar, since its Haunter's evolution, isn't the creepier one? o.o It doesn't make much sense. Plus, Haunter is bigger than Gengar is. It's like the only Pokemon that gets smaller when it evolves.


XD True. Gengar are meant to be mischievous, whereas Haunter are more menacing. That's why Haunter is more creepy. Gengar is supposed to be scary too, but he just isn't. Well, at least not to me. I'd want one as a pet. Haunter would be great to have, if you could actually trust one. They're not exactly loyal Pokemon. I think of a Gengar more as a loyal pet, while Haunter is more of a vicious guard dog that you can't really trust. I wonder why Gengar, since its Haunter's evolution, isn't the creepier one? o.o It doesn't make much sense. Plus, Haunter is bigger than Gengar is. It's like the only Pokemon that gets smaller when it evolves.

yaeh,gengar should evolve into huanter,I'm afraid to trade with the ever stone cuase I'm afraid it might not work,I just dont like gengar,


Spoon Powah!
Haunter. Gengar doesn't look anything like a ghost!
Gengar is a purple, spiky ball of love <3 And Haunter's the uber creepy, badass ghost.


I do think Haunter looks cooler and more like a ghost then Gengar does. But Gengar is still cool and not to mention stronger. I like Gengar better...


Power of the mind
Easy, Gengar. Why, well it pwns a ton of stuff, just plain cool and power pwnz second stage evolutions in this case.


Well-Known Member
Haunter. i don't like gengar cause too many people like it. i'm an induvidual.


I like Haunter better in looks. Gengar's smile is... ugh. I didn't have a link cable so I couldn't get a Gengar is the advance gen. games, but at least now you can find them wild.



Well-Known Member
Haunter. I've loved it since first seeing it in the games and anime.

I'm starting to like Gengar now though.


Blaziken rules!

Gengar is spookier. So I vote for Gengar.


I say gengar not only because he is my favourite pokemon but he has something funny yet powerfull. But i do think haunter's arms/hands are better.