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haunter or gengar


Well-Known Member
I like them both, but, since seeing Haunter in the anime (especially when goofing on Sabrina) I have a soft spot for it.


<- Best DP Legendary
Haunter is probably one of the few (or even the ONLY) middle-stage Pokémon that actually doesn't look worse than its evolved form.

But Gengar certainly isn't bad either. I'd say that appearance-wise they're about equal; and both of them are milestones (Haunter: first middle-stage that doesn't look weak next to its evolved form; Gengar: first fully-evolved Ghost type and ONLY fully-evolved Ghost in R/B/Y)
^ Said it all.

I like both, but prefer Gengar. I'm more fond of Poképimps. And Gengar's smile does that better than Haunter. :D