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Have a few question I never bothered to ask.


Well-Known Member
Like the title says I have afew questions about the game that I never bothered to ask.

->Can you trade from ANY GBA game to ANY GBC game?
->I heard about somthing called pokerus, where and how do you get it?
->If you play your fire red in a ds could you trade with another game that was also in ds, example, trade a fire red to a leaf green in a DS?
->Could you use DS's WiFi system as an adapter for fire red, if so how?

could someone please answer those question.
Thank You.

(Well) Then

It's Lesson Time!
1. No
2. Its not so easy to obtain, its a chance more like, every time you face a wild Pokemon there is a very small chance that Pokemon will have Pokerus, theres no obvious sign the Pokemon has Pokerus. If you faint the Pokemon or capture it, the Pokemon that faught it will catch it, you might not notice it at first, intill you finally check the status of your pokemon

also, it is a rumor that pokerus can not be lost in FR / LG, this is wrong, because there is still a measure of time: Game time.

3. I don't know (I don't have a DS)
4. see Nu. 3.


Well-Known Member
If you faint the Pokemon or capture it, the Pokemon that faught it will catch it, you might not notice it at first, intill you finally check the status of your pokemon

When you go to heal your pokemon, the lady in the pokemon center will tell you that you got pokerus.

For 3 and 4, You can't use the DS to trade between Advance games...you need a wireless adapter/link cable

Nutter t.KK

can Mega Evolve!
ok thank you guys.
also I have a question isn't pokerus a item?
It's LIKE an Status Effect, like Poisoned. It's starts as a Spread able effect, and will stop spreading after a while, yet the effects remain

Pokerus will Double the amount EV's increased.


tsundere full force!

GBA....Pal Park.<If you're talking about D/P trade.>

It's LIKE an Status Effect, like Poisoned. It's starts as a Spread able effect, and will stop spreading after a while, yet the effects remain

I want to say this is true, but don't get it confused like other status effects. If you have Pokerus, you can still catch another status effect, since it's not really considered one.
I've had pokerus in my Silver Version for a few weeks now. I find that if you keep the pokemon in your PC, they'll have it forever. You see, I have Murkrow and Electabuzz in my party, and I gave them pokerus, but it was gone pretty soon. However, I've also had a Miltank and Ampharos in my PC, and they still have it up to this day.


Can i ask a question as well? WHY IS THERE A BRIDGE ON LAND IN CERULEAN CITY!?
There's an article on Pokerus on the main page. (Game mechanics)