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Have a team of "Ash's pokémon" or be more original...

Ze DreamGirl

Future Vaporeon
Have a team of "Ash's pokémon" or be more original...

When I restarted my leaf Green I wanted to use only pokémon caught by Ash so my planed team was: Pikachu
and to replace bulbasaur Victreebeel because of the type...

But sometimes it bores me that's why I trained a Meowth and why i have a Doduo and a Marowak in my team...

So shold i continue with my planed team or change it ?


Well, it's completely up to yourself but I prefer originality myself, so my vote would be on use a team of pokémon you've never tried before.

Ze DreamGirl

Future Vaporeon
That's why i caught and evolved a cubone...and I am training doduo


Shadow Amongst Light
So shold i continue with my planed team or change it ?

If you wanna continue with an ash based team then go ahead.... but his choice in pokemon sometimes sucks, especially those available only in fire red/leaf green. I would suggest an advanced ash team though... one where the pokemon actually evolve LOL.


Hehe, would never be a true Ash team though, since he is way to stupid to evolve his pokémon.

Ze Dreamgirl, it seems like you've decided on going with a non-Ash team already.


ooo, what's cooking?
ash's real team would suck so badly, don try it...


meet me in the rain
I intend to raise a team in Leaf made up of my very favourites-
Raichu, Ninetales, Vileplume, Rhydon, Tentacruel and Gengar :D

I think it's more fun to have an interesting team thats diverse and works but has the Pokemon you really like it in. If you don't like the Pokemon, you won't have fun raising it.


Well-Known Member
Having Ash's Pokémon could be fun, but I prefer originality.
I suggest you beat the game with a customized team, then go back (don't restart your game) and make a team of ash's pokemon.
I once copied gary's team, but that was way back when on my blue version.
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Active Member
As for me, my team always varies. Every time I go to beat one of the games again, I decide upon a Pokemon for each type that can be caught fairly early on in the game so that by the time I get further it'll be evolved and stuff.


The Master...
It's all one choice...However i wouldn't but thats me!
I know this cuz i did it before(it was lame)
I usually when I'm done with the game start training pokemon with movesets like the one in the anime even if they're not good for fun

Gentleman Skeleton

Well-Known Member
Okay, here's what you want to do. Get yourself a copy of Emerald, get yourself a Light Ball and attatch it to a Pikachu and breed it with a Ditto. Evolve the Volt-Tackle Pichu and give it the Light Ball. Teach the Pikachu Thunderbolt, Agility and Thunder Wave. That Pikachu combination hasn't failed me yet.