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Have any shiny pokemon?(R/S,FR/LG,G/S/C)

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Random Psyco Trainer
I have a shiny Hariyama and Crobat.The crobat is an embarrasment to crobat-loving-pink-hating people...Ah well.Do you have any?

Silent Conversation

Chart obsessed wanker
I encountered a Shiny Psyduck before... didn't catch it. Also encountered a Shiny Aron.

In my Sapphire, I had caught 5 shinies before Lavaridge. File must've been glitched. I accidentaly deleted it.


Well-Known Member
Apart from the obvious shiny Gyarados from G/S/C, all I have is a shiny Golduck from Crystal which I caught in Mt. Silver and a shiny Linoone on my Emerald, whom I am trading when I get to Pokemon UK.
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#1 Weavile Fan!
None....Ever. My bro found and caught a Shiny Level 30 Geodude in Magma Hideout though. He is SO lucky!


Veteran member
Shiny Spoink
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