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Have ever gotten one version of the game only to find out...

Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
Have you ever gotten one version of the game only to find out that a pokemon you liked wasn't in it? My first pokemon game was Red and I was pretty ticked off when I found out that Meowth was only catchable in blue! ;052;

Mazaru Wildfire

Advance Shipper
Ruby. I was like, really ticked off when I found out that you couldn't catch Kyogre.


So Zetta Slow!
I was always lucky of having many of my favorite pokemons in the versions I have...hehehe


Who can say?
I get both versions :D
But back in the early days, when I was just getting into the whole Pokemon craze, I got Red, after finding out Electabuzz and Scyther were in it rather than Pinsir and Magmar, I had only seen these pokemon once in the anime so, I chose Red for Electabuzz really... I did not know of any other exclusive pokemon...
...then I found out Meowth was in Blue...(at this stage my only knowlege of pokemon was the anime and the trading cards, Meowth had a big part in the anime so I liked him...) same with Vulpix...

Leon K

Mr. Metronome
I was really angry when i found out that i couldn't catch a Scyther on LeafGreen!,its LeafGREEN people!.....GREEN!!! >_<


The new tuxedo look!
I got mad when I found out that latios isn't in sapphire. But the I got ruby.:D


Before I knew much, I always chose the wrong one. Sapphire doesn't have Zangoose or Seedot. But now I'm not as stupid and I know I want Diamond. But my little sister wants Diamond too. She won't get a DS if she gets Pearl. Oh well. Guess I'm getting Pearl.


Well-Known Member
Nope, i've been rather lucky. I could argue that with D/P Scizor is exclusive to Diamond and i'm getting Pearl... but I get Misdreavus and Cradily and besides, i'll just trade my Scizor over from Emerald when I can.


Well-Known Member
its only a very small number of pokemon which is exclusive to each version so it nver really bothered me that much coz there was none that i really liked when it came to exclusive pokemon, although i did like growlieth when pokemon first started so i was happy to know that when i got pokemon red that he was in it.

Agent Dork

The One Who Is Me
I'm also kinda ticked that that Spheal , Sealeo , and Walrein arePearl only. Despite popular belief, I would rather use a Walrein than an Aggron or Tyranitar.


my friend got sapphire cus she thought she could get latios....big mistake
I want pearl, because everyone is going to get diamond

but the POKEMON on pearl are DIRE!
the stupid swily cat thing rather than the skunk thing

palkia, who's type is already being used by Kingdra, making it unspecial.

then a load of other pokemon that arent as good as diamond
I mean, I'm willing to trade, but seriously, I might as well get diamond, even though it'll look like I'm going for the "cooler" colour

because theres always a cooler colour

red, silver, ruby, diamond

rather than blue, gold, sapphire, pearl.

(the only exception is blue, which sold less at first but them overtook when people realised meowth was on it.)


<- Best DP Legendary
Yep... the first Pokemon game I ever bought was Red (waaaay back in 1998), and at the time I didn't know that the Japanese Blue version was a different game from the American Blue version...

So I thought that Oddish/Gloom/Vileplume were in Blue (since they were in the Japanese Blue version) and Bellsprout/Weepinbell/Victreebel were in Red.

Turns out that not only was my favorite Pokemon (Victreebel) not available, but my favorite bug-type (Pinsir) as well. Fortunately, my sister got Blue a few months later and traded them over, so it turned out okay.


i want dimond but since everybody else is going to get it i might get pearl instead