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have you beaten eldes?


Alakazam trainer
eldes is the last trainer in the orre coloseum in XD...an he is VERY strong.why?

He has 6 pokemons with high offensive stats,3 special,and 3 physical.
the 3 special pokemons have levitate(latios;381;,latias ;380; and gengar;094;),so the other 3 physical (tauros;128;,metagross ;376; and snorlax;143;)can use earthquake to the death.

one special levitator,and one physical earthquaker...this is tough...

you need a very good strategy, or very,very good luck.

so,if you have beaten eldes without just luck...please put it here..i need strategies ^^



Well-Known Member
ive owned eldes more times than the # Of pkmn games i have (Had all including Green except D/P)


Well-Known Member
If you're lucky that he doesn't get Gengar out first, then you have an easy chance using this combo below...

I beat him using Explosion Protect combo. Even if he sends out Metagross, an explosion from like Snorlax can still dent it. I instantly detonate while the ally uses protect (unless opponent has very high defense or resists normal attacks, getting hit from explosion is usually a 1HKO). The Last 2 pokemon, sweeping moves is all it needs.


Well-Known Member


Blaziken rules!
I have beaten Eldes. With some luck.


herd u liek mudkips?
Those of you who have beaten Eldes in Orre Colloseum...

What does he say to you when you battle him? How about when you defeat him?

captian puncher

hero of punchitizim
......... no offense
actually all intended but you suck
you should train your pokemon like crazy
and me and my freind beat it in a day with fearow houndoom umbreon urasang galie and tyranitar
i know i spelld all thems word wrong please 4give me
elekible addicit said:
I can't even get passed the first round!?
Same as here. I've tried it but I dont really care with it.

Flame Haze SnS

I've finally defeated Eldes in Orre Colosseum. Thanks to my Metagross's Explosion and Heracross's Endure/Reversal. My Starmie did knock out his Gengar with Psychic when Gengar's attention was on my Heracross. Big mistake! ^_^


Well-Known Member
I beat him a long time ago so can't remember the details.


Well-Known Member
ok, so you all beat him, but what were your strategies, and what pokemon did you use?

--i think that was what he was after.