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Have you ever missed a shiny?


Know it,Respect it..
Well I have it was a shiny Apiom in emerald.

Uchiha Madara

the /k/ommando

do you really have those?


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Moving to Pokepolls, and please do not make this a "I haven't missed any, I have a shiny ____!" thread, there's already a sticky for discussing your shinies in 3rd Gen Discussion.

The Edge

My friend actually saw a shiny Regirock..without even trying to. But then he ran out of Ultra balls :(

EDIT:Woops, didn't see TRJessie579's post. Yeah, it kinda needs to be moved =/


Well-Known Member
Shiny Meowth...didn't have any balls left!


Salingerian Phony
I ran across a shiny Donphan in my Silver version...I passed it up because I really had no interest in shiny Pokémon.

I've yet to find one in my Sapphire and FireRed versions.
I missed a shiny Girafarig.....veeeeeeeery angry since i didnt have any balls left!! But i at least have a shiny staryu!