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Have You Ever?

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I have a boyfriend now; I am his princess❤️
I held a snake once, but I don't think it was for that long XD

Have you ever ate dragon fruit?

Captain Jigglypuff

*On Vacation. Go Away!*
All the time. I don't even get HBO.

Have you ever broken a window by mistake?


I have a boyfriend now; I am his princess❤️
Yes, many. XD But only in my head.

Have you ever made up a whole pokemon region with at least 100 fake pokemon in it? :)


Smart Cookie
Almost certainly.

Have you ever been on a long haul flight?


I have a boyfriend now; I am his princess❤️
No and I heard it's not very safe there. :/

Have you ever ate something sweet at the computer? XD


I have a boyfriend now; I am his princess❤️
Likely, but i doubt my family ever cared if i did that or not XD

Have you ever laughed so hard milk came out of your nose? XD

Kung Fu Ferret

The Usurper
a loooooong time ago
Have you ever caused a massive amount of anarchy in a god game (such "The Sims" or the Tycoon-based games)? *NOTE: this can range from removing toilets in The Sims or feeding angry guests to a T-Rex in Zoo Tycoon, or making rides that make people drown in Rollercoaster Tycoon*


Well-Known Member
Definitely true, I used to make death trap rides in Rollercoaster Tycoon and actively drown people who were thinking negative things about my park...

Have you ever written a book?


Back in the meantime
Yeah if you count a thesis. If not, nope.

Have you ever been close to a celebrity for more than 30 mins (not watching them from afar)?
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