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Have you pre-ordered a game?

Nixon's Head

Former Nsider
yes, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for wii (also preorderd wii)
I preordered Gyakuten Saiban 2. Yay me.


Nido Trainer
I have pokmeon MDB.

Flame Haze SnS

For Wii, I've pre-ordered:

DragonballZ: Budakai Tenkaichi 2
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

water types rule

Well-Known Member
I reserved TP over a year ago for Gamecube, but other than that no. But I will pre-order Diamond when i can.

Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
I preordered The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, but only to get the Ocarina of Time/Master Quest Bonus Disc like everybody else. =P

I would've still bought the game eventually if they hadn't offered the disc, though. I love my Zelda games. ^_^
no...I see no need in doing it.

Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
Wind Waker (Bonus disc kept me busy)
Colloseum (JIRACHI!!!!!!!!!!!)
XD (nothing...)
And that's it, I think. I may preorder Wii and Twilight Princess though.

Mew King

It's black magic!
I pre-ordered:

Pokemon Sapphire (to get the coin)
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (to get the Pre-order disk)
Pokemon Colosseum (to get the Jirachi disk (which I later got 2 extra when Kmart was throwing them out))

In addition, I got the Pokemon Emerald and Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon bonus stuff since I worked at Target and they were going to throw them out.
I have preordered TP aswell lol!

if you haven't got anything on topic to say then don't post please

1.) Your not a moderator, people really need to start enforcing that rule.

2.) The question is have you ever pre-ordered a game, it's an opened ended question which leaves a yes/no responses. Don't tell people how to post, as your post history from briefly glancing isn't one of the top tier ones around here.

Kojiro -- a system launch and game are two different things, software and hardware are two different concepts, and while there will always be plentiful software, not so much on hardware.

I never understood "pre-ordering" games that will be purely available in mass print. It's like eBay games makes their dividends and meet stock option quota with their inflated forecasts of you giving them a "loan" if you will. Not to mention they always inflate the price well beyond other chains...

Meh - enough rambling.
...when have I ever told people how to post?