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Hax Team (gimmick)


Wants name change
Before you post, don't say 'OMG THIS TEAM IS STOOPID LOLZ' just because it relies on hax, it's just a gimmick. Rate it properly, like you normally would, and give suggestions.

By the way, I'm not sure about the lead.

Blaziken @ Scope Lens
Hasty Nature
126 ATK/176 SPD/208 SP.ATK
Blaze Kick
Focus Energy
Slash (don't ask...0.o) (Well, I wanted more than one CH move...)
Reversal (getting tired of Sky Uppercut...)

Modified Critiken with Reversal thrown in.

Blissey @ Leftovers
Modest Nature
Ability (who thought of calling it a 'trait' anyway?): Serene Grace
252 HP/88 DEF/170 SP.ATK
Aromatherapy (originally Rain Dance, but I need some form of status curer)
Thunder (paralysis)
Water Pulse (confusion)

A rather nice Blissey variant that has helped me a lot on other teams.

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Modest Nature
44 HP/56 DEF/100 SPD/252 SP.ATK/58 SP.DEF
Calm Mind
Ice Punch (freeze, plus gets rid of Mence)
Fire Punch (burn, covers Steels)

Made to take advantage of Serene Grace in almost every possible way. Also a nice special sweeper.

Dunsparce @ King's Rock (yeah, I know...)
Adamant Nature
Ability: Run Away (just kidding, it's actually Serene Grace)
252 HP/252 ATK/4 SPD (probably won't use it)
Thunder Wave
Rock Slide
Snore (gives me a Hypnosis taker, plus flinch) (Didn't want Sleep Talk, too risky)

The hax king's in town.

Crobat @ Leftovers
Jolly Nature
36 HP/188 ATK/16 DEF/252 SPD/16 SP.DEF
Mean Look
Poison Fang
Air Cutter
Confuse Ray
Flinching Move

Which four moves should I keep? Right now, I have the first four.

Togetic (couldn't think of anything better, it has Serene Grace) @ Salac Berry (Baton Passing aid)
Jolly Nature
Ability: Serene Grace
252 HP/98 ATK/76 DEF/84 SPD
Ancientpower (stat raise chance for Baton Pass)
Baton Pass
Body Slam
Tri Attack


As you've probably noticed, I'm horrible with EVs and Natures, since I don't know all this 'blahblahblah Speed outruns Celebi' and 'blahblahblah Attack OHKO's Salamence' stuff. Oh yeah, I forgot the genders.
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I once out-haxed a team of 6 dunsparce, so a hax team is basically any team I use.

rain dance is LOL on bliss; use something else other than that


Brains for brawn
Okay three things:
1. File?Export to text makes moving your team to an easily readible form much quicker.
2. I believe Focus Energy only boost the critical hit ratio of moves with a normal one. Correct me if I'm wrong.
3. Thunder/Fire Punch on Jirachi


Wants name change
Thought as much, someone told me I should swap it for Aromatherapy. They're probably right...

I'll probably swap Water Pulse on Jirachi, since I just managed to sweep a whole team with only the first two moves. I'll go for Fire Punch, since I have too much paralysis anyway.
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prophecy fulfilled
kings rock doesnt effect any move on dunsparce's moveset