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Hazy's Showcase


Advanced Spriter
Yes, I'm back...once more with another "known-to-die" sprite thread. But, Heck, I think I've improved.

Araza (Oldest on the left, newest on the right)

Normal Overworlds:

Mystery Dungeon (bad):


Turko (Happy Thanksgiving!(lol))


WILL update with more momentarily...
Last edited:

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
So fakemon, critique time:
The shading isn't quite smooth enough, and the outline seems a little rough too.
Quite a square outline, not rounded and very rigid looking.


Advanced Spriter
I don't think you guys understand. They ones on the LEFT are OLD, the one on the RIGHT is NEW.

Yes, Chaotic Pink, the yellow one sucks. Crit the right one, though, because that's the newest. The pink one, Araza, was fixed. The one you critted is very old. Crit the newer ones.



It's a cool Monkey!
I agree with oRaNgE. The wings do look weird. try improving a bit. :)


Local Dragonmaster
The colors are way too dark on your Kirby, and the eyes arent even correct. -__-

You've improved on fakes, but the outline on the yellow one needs to be more curvier than linear. You should also work on shading a lot.


The card is a bit chunky, so are all your scratches. [/nooffense]

You did improve on your Kirby. Kirby v2.0 is much better, though the outline is a bit .. weird. o_o;

I would say, work on your scrathes. They are very blocky and such.


Local Dragonmaster
Whoa, that's bad... really, I no nothing about making cards, but that's bad.

First off, all cards follow the same text, if you havent noticed... yeah, you didn't use the right text. :( Also, on the pokemon, I notice that it's mostly done with the line tool, curvelinear tool, and circle tool.. as I said before, your sprite is too linear.. make the outline curve in some parts (and I dont mean just on the head)... and the necklace, come on that needs to curve too. The pokemon also seems like it's not properly shaded with the background. And shouldn't there be something indicating the card rarity in the bottom right corner?

