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Heeeeeeeeeelp!!!pp Max !

Link the warrior

Really nice guy
;441; ;441; I can't find in firred ppmax!help!pleaseeee...


Well-Known Member
I don't think you can get them in Fire Red Because I never found one,they're very rare so be sure to check in places like Lost Cave.
You shall use ITEMFINDER,in two island where the waterfall is,and you find a small patch of grass use ITEMFINDER and you shall dig out your precious PPMAX.Theres is only one,so make good use of it.

Link the warrior

Really nice guy
THANKS!!!I've found both rare candy and pp max!bigbig THANKS!!!


I am the game
2 island and waterfall use the itemfinder.


use itemfinder at treasure beach i think

Link the warrior

Really nice guy
whaaaaaa?and at treasure beach???I'm turn on my gameb...