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heh, very good luck


Dragon Master
I walked into a keckleon (sp, I know)'s shop on about the 12th floor of Joyous Tower, and there were 4 Friend bows for sale!! I had no money sooo.... I made a mad dash into the next room, sacrificing 5 revive seeds, but it was totally worth it.
Anyway, I was wondering if it was just randomly chosen items that are in thier shops, or if it is set for that spacific area, or if it is a random set. (By random set, I am thinking that there are certian sets like say... either an apple, a pecha scarf, and a huge apple or a metal coat, a big apple, and a special band.)


fredfredburger yes!
yeah i found two in wish cave in a kec stall.

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
Woah. Talk about luck. That would be a case in which you'd want to have a Trawl Orb on hand. xD


fredfredburger yes!
yeah but will you still die if the items came out of the shop with the trawl?

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
yeah but will you still die if the items came out of the shop with the trawl?

If the Kecleons catch you, ja.

But if you find the stairs first, then use the Trawl Orb, assuming that the Kecleon Shop is a decent distance from the stairs, you'll have a nice bit of time to get the items you want and then escape onto the next level relatively unscathed.


fredfredburger yes!
woah i should do that.