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Hello ^__^



Used to be an old member. My account vanished o___O!

So anyway, made this new one. Glad to be here. Just got back into the handhelds and such. Don't label me a noob <_<

So cha.... welcome me. :p

Tropical Spirit

YAY! Original>You =3
Hi. D: You should already know the rules and that you shouldn't be close-minded or you'll be eaten alive.


Eszett said:
By old, how old do you mean?

Anyways, salutations.
I joined about when the member count was nearing the 1,000th. Some time in 04 ( or was it 05? :p )

And thankyou.


Well-Known Member
Juano said:
I joined about when the member count was nearing the 1,000th. Some time in 04 ( or was it 05? :p )

And thankyou.
Cool.Anyways did you know that in German your user title means "Air Waffle"?


The General of Terror said:
Cool.Anyways did you know that in German your user title means "Air Waffle"?
Rofl, exactly why I had it. It was from some immitation of major world wars as an IM conversation, and hitler used that term 'luftwaffle', XD.

Once again, thanks :p