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Hello Everyone!


The Great Stickman!
well hello all my fellow pokemon fans!...i myself am new to this forums but not new to the world of forums...and certainly not new to the world of pokemon!...i have been coming to this site for a long time now but never really decided to join the forum until now. people may ask Y?...but i have my reasons. i promise u i will not be one of those people with the ridiculous speculations of things that everyone knows will not happen and i will not come on here with fAlse info. i am here to discuss pokemon. maybe ask some opinions on certain things and pretty much to make new friends with the same love for this as i do!...thanks and nice to meet al of you!

GET PSYCO! ;360;


Think Different
Welcome to SPPF, have fun and stay here long.

Friendly advice, check over your post to minimalize grammatical errors. Also chat speak, u=you y=why, is generall frowned upon by the people on this board.


welcome to the board!...i dont think anyones said this yet but make sure you read the rules....AND follow them. Enjoy your stay and have fun!