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Hello - I Need Some Emerald Help! =}

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To start off, I'm new so HI! Heheh.
I need some help with Pokemon Emerald version. =\
First, I've been looking in the Safari Zone FOREVER for a Houndour (my all time favorite Pokemon). I did beat the Elite 4 and I have access to the Safari Zone extension. I've encountered every Pokemon available there, even the rare ones, except Houndour! Does anybody have any tips??
And does anybody know where to get a Moonstone? I really want to evolve my Skitty. ^_^



1- Hi, I'm new two!

2- Look in the northern part of the new 'zone. I'm sorry, but, I JUST CAUGHT ONE!!! :D :D Gloating done with, I'd say just stand in one spot [in the grass] and lightly tapping the control-pad so you never run out of steps. They're really rare, so keep looking. [actually I'm not sure, but for me they are.]

3- You can find one [moon stone] near the place where you meet team aqua/magma in the Meteor Falls place. I suggest waiting 'till level 37 for [skitty] to learn heal bell, but that's just me.

*edit*s are in []
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Houndour is in the northern part of the new area. It's a common pokemon, so it shouldn't be hard to find one.
As for the moon stone. I think there's one in Meteor Falls and wild Lunatone may hold one (in Sapphire only).
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