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Hello I'm new

Lord wackruntlje

Speed up, n00b!
Welcome. Make sure you read the rules, they are important here.


Darkstorm16 said:
I'm new to this forum and does anyone wanna be friends?

I'll be your friend! Do u want me to add u to the list?

Angelic Elf Ivy

Well-Known Member
Hiya! Welcome to SPPf!
I'll be your friend if you want. ^_^ I love having new friends! So should I add you to my list?



true love
Welcome to SPPf, though I'm new in the forums too.. but don't forget to read the rules, as it's just a click away on the top right banner.

Have fun and enjoy your stay.


I ain't witty, so no
As long as it's in the right section, yes. Oh, wait...welcome to the forums! if you need a hand, feel free to PM me!



I ain't witty, so no
Ummmm....gee, that's tough*suddenly doesn't seem like an expert anymore* well, I don't think there is a thread like that...sorry about that ^__^;;; You could PM someone, I suppose. But, not me, I don't have the faintest idea of where a Map is......

can someone enlighten me?