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Hello (i'm shuckle from whiscashuckle)


Shuckle trainer
I first started using serebii a while ago to check what moves pokemon learned. I then began to go on more frequently, to find out the new info on diamond and pearl. After that started to run out, i began to look at the threads on the forums. I found loooads of interesting ones that i really wanted to answer to. So i made an account with my friend. We called it whiscashuckle, as shuckle is my favourite pokemon and whiscash is his (i was shuckle in the whiscashuckle thing, for anyone who's intersted). virtualheadache told us we should split up, so we did (thanks for the advice, virtualheadache). And now i'm shuckle_is_the_best.

Sorry if we broke any rules by doing a joint account.

-shuckle_is_the_best ;213;


Well-Known Member
Hello Shuckle is the best!
Welcome to SPPf and i hope you have fun follow the rules and don't send SPAM*!

*Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages


Shinx <3
Hi. Welcome and enjoy your stay here, shuckle_is_the_best. PM me if you have any questions.

Taylor Ray

Newest shiny
Hello Shuckle have fun, read the rules, and make friends. Pm me if you have any questions or you want to be friends.