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Hello. I'm the new guy on Serebii.net.

PKMN Trainer Louis

Well-Known Member
Hello. Just wanted to introduce myself to the forum. I loved Pokemon for a long time, got out of it for a while (still liked it, just didn't pay much attention to it) and really got back into it recently. So far, this forum looks like a great place. Can't wait to start reading the threads.

That's about it -- I'll be posting around. Catch you all later.

Thank you for reading.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forums. Glad to see you got back into Pokemon. If you need any help, you can PM me as well.

See you around.

PKMN Trainer Louis

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the hospitality. I was wondering if I can post a thread about my FireRed game and if I can get ratings and tips on how I am doing. Please let me know.


-swampert used gasp!
Thanks for the hospitality. I was wondering if I can post a thread about my FireRed game and if I can get ratings and tips on how I am doing. Please let me know.

yep you sure can,if you look down the list of where you can post stuff, there should be a place where it says fire red/leaf green (or fr/lg) discussion , here is where you can post about your team.


New Member
hi,fellow noob!
this forum rox!
I like '!'s! :D


-swampert used gasp!
hi,fellow noob!
this forum rox!
I like '!'s! :D

if someone is new to the forums, there not called a noob,there called a newb, sorry if i sound like a killjoy . but i just wanted to point that out, as i hear a lot of people call newbs noobs :)

PKMN Trainer Louis

Well-Known Member
Serebii.net has been a lot of fun so far. I'm going to soon be working on my current FireRed game and make a thread about it and my ideas on how to play the game. Thank you all again for welcoming me!


Well-Known Member
HEY! You did alot better already then i did when i was new, I didn't know how to pick an avatar or put stuff in my sig. Have fun and read the rules

PM me to be friends.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forums! Add me to your firends list so we can chat if you're bored or if you need help with the forums.
Bondage Tickling
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Blaziken D.

Sherlock James
*Starts to speak, but stops* Looks like all these guys beat me to the punch. Anyway, welcome to Serebii, and if you need a friend and or help, just PM me.

--- Scipio


Queen of Charizards!
Hey PKMN Tranier Louis, i'll be your friend. PM me sometime