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Hello :)



Hi People i am new here and i love Pokemon * duh* well.....im from Holland and i am 15 jr old and i love my pokemon team and i love the Boyband O-zone from Romania and i love the singer from amirica Lucas Prata ;216; well good to know you all to.....

grzz Maile
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Think Different
Random smilies will result in your downfall if you continue to use them like that, regardless welcome and enjoy your time here at SPPF.


Strawberry Milk
Hello and welcome. As /\Triforce/\ said random smilies will result in your downfall(And they can get annoying if they are used way to much) none the less welcome and enjoy your stay and if you need help or want a friend just PM me.


Yeah, about that...
Welcome to the forums,aslong as you dont break the rules here everything will be just fine,also if you want a friend just pm me kid.


thanks for welcome me i will remember the rules you can trust me :)

Grzz Maile


one love
Arsenium...arsenic? Are you a chemistry nut like me? 8D

Oh. If only...Arsenie is wickedly awesome in his own right, anyways. :)

Salutations, you O-Zone lover, and just adhere to the rules to reach the golden fields of salvation.


Arsenium is a singer he was from the Boyband O-zone but his real name is Arsenie;) well thatnks for welcome me.