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Hello! =}



Hi! I'm pretty new here, so I just wanted to introduce myself.
Oh, one quick question...
How do I change where it says Beginning Trainer under my username and the picture of Celebi?
Thanks! ^^

Hex ;229;


No avatard plz
User cp>Edit profile> costom user title. I had the same Question.
Oh! Read the ruls. If you have any questions at all pm me pm members list. Also I'll B your friend.


Good Night!
hello! welcome! you change it by going to user cp and click on edit profile. hope you like it here and don't forget the rules, if you need something pm me


After I read your replies I went to my User CP and looked... I don't see anything called a Custom User Title...? o.o;;

Hex ;229;


Well-Known Member
Hi there, welcome! You seem pretty mature and I see you like Dark-types aswell. :3
Be sure to read the rules.

For the user title thing, go to User CP, and on the left side you should see Settings and Options. Under that, click Edit Profile. It should be one of the first things you see. I'm bad at explaining. XD


Yeah, about that...
hey and welcome to the forums if you need help or a friend feel free to pm me mmk

♥Princess Ketchum♥

#1 Ash Satoshi Lover
Hi there welcome to the best fourm ever!

i hope you like it here and make loads of friends too and hope to be your friend too :D

Angelic Elf Ivy

Well-Known Member
Hiya! Welcome to SPPf and I hope you like it here! PM me if you need help with any thing or wanna chat or somethin. Also PM me if you wanna be friends! I'm always happy to have new friends! ^_^
