lol, so far every time I read Raikou's rates all he says is "you need blissey, use this one [insert standard blissey here]". Maybe I'm just unlucky.
Anyway as a rule of thumb I always put +speed natures on base 95 pokes. Sunnybeaming is a complete waste of this guy's talents IMO, especially as as soon as you Sunny Day it's like an open invitation for T-tar to come in and crap all over everything.
This guy is immune to fire, immune to psychic, resistant to BP 60 Grass Rope and learns STAB pursuit, which almost immediately makes him an amazing Azelf counter.
This is the set I use:
Houndoom (M) @ Expert Belt
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 196 Atk / 60 SAtk / 252 Spd
Hasty Nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Pursuit
- Overheat
- Will-o-wisp
- Crunch
Unfortunately Houndoom needs either +attack nature or an item boost in order to guarantee 2HKOing Azelf when it stays in on Pursuit. Obviously it will OHKO if Azelf switches.
This also pairs up very well with a Steel type for dealing with CSMence if you don't want to use bliss-***** - take the Draco Meteor with your steel and next time predict the Flamethrower to bring him in and Pursuit Specsmence out. If you hurt him the first time he came in and SR is up that will be the end of Mence.
The 4th move is basically just filler, I've yet to use it but I put Crunch there because for some reason people like bringing in Blissey on this guy. Whatever, it doesn't hit terribly hard but if you get a def drop Blissey might get worried.