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help i need dragon scale

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PokeTrainer Miki
does anyone know where i can find one pls apart from on wild horseas and bagons?


PokeTrainer Miki
yeah i know but i'm having a real hard time finding the critter


PokeTrainer Miki
yeah i manage to catch one in a hundred

There's a fisherman, somewhere in the rapids, who stands in front of an indent on the beach. Fish in that indent, that's the only place you can catch it.

yay i got one! thanks for your advice! mods please close this
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Obsessive Beader/Mod
^ ...That answer was wrong. Pokemon with Pick Up CAN'T pick up any item they want to, there's a set list of items they can find. Dragon Scale isn't one of them.

You can find Pick Up lists for each game on the main site.

Since the question's been answered and apparently the topic creator did get their Scale...

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