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Help Im Stuck

I am stuck, i have beaten team aqua at lilycove and am wondering where to go next, i know i have to get the magma symbol but i don't know where it is

this is my team by the way

sceptile lvl 41
leaf blade
giga drain
hidden power

wiscash lvl 39
ice beam

absol lvl 39
shadow ball
fire blast

gardivoir lvl 40
calm mind
future sight

vibrava lvl 41

weezing lvl 38
sludge bomb
shock wave
secret power

Mse Ownage

Ur Going Down!
if u know the place the mountain in lavaridge if i go trought it there would open a door and that will be it there beat every1 and ull see what come next ;) btw the leader of the cave is a kinda strong but u can handle it goodluck ;)
Go to the Jagged Pass, and a Team Magma guy will be standing there, talk/battle him :confused: and he'll go away and there'll be an opening where he was standing if you have the Magma symbol
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Completing The Trio
he needs the magma symbol first

go to the south of lilycove and go into mt.pyre, don't go to the second floor instead leave through the exit on the left hand side, you should now be on the mountain hillside

go all the way to the top and beat the team aqua members there, after the lady will approach you and say that team magma left this here, and she gives you the magma symbol