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Help!Im trapped in pokemon yellow!!

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<--Mewtwo Rockz!
First of all, Im trapped in pewter city... Why, I cant find a pkemon strong to rock types because all my pokemon are no good at rock types. can anybody
give me a tip?????


super noob
Go back to Viridian Forest and catch a Caterpie, and level til it becomes a Butterfree and learns Confusion (10 I think). An alternitive solution would be to go get a Mankey from Rt. 22 and level it til it learns Low Kick. Also what your team is and thier levels would be helpful also.

woot21 out dawgs


Pokemon Trainer
Don't forget to get Nidoran Male or Female and raise up to level 14 and it will learn Double Kick and it can beat brock with it


Confusion is bliss
just get a mankey, lowkick should take down the onix, and a nidoran male or female for the geodude.


<--Mewtwo Rockz!
yay!!!! I have captured a male nidoran!!!!! now to level it up.....

nasty devil

tHe oNe aNd 0nLy...
Or you can try a Weedle/Caterpie and evolve them to Beedrill/Butterfree and you can knock out Brock easily.


Well-Known Member
Or you can try a Weedle/Caterpie and evolve them to Beedrill/Butterfree and you can knock out Brock easily.

Why do people like you need to post things like this? It might have worked for you but honestly you know it is not the best way to go. Besides Weedle is not catchable in yellow >.<
If you're able to trade & have Red/Blue, you could trade over a Bulbasaur or Squirtle. That's what I did.


Active Member
I understand why you're having trouble. I did at one time too! Just go to viradian forest catch a caterpie evolve it. (Twice) And let it learn confusion. You might want a Mankey with low kick too!
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