ok so I want to start into pokemon tcg (as I'm really quite a newbie but I have a fairly large collection of base, jungle, fossil, and rocket cards and I was thinking about building a really cool oldschool unlimited deck. so I talked to some people who used to be good back in the days before gsc came out... I was wondering if anybody would like to give me some input as to how I can ECONOMICALLY build this deck. I'm willing to spend some but would like to keep it under 20 dollars. basically I don't want to spend all my money on tcg so I can still get drunk every now and then.
basically I want an unlimited deck. with the principle being to use krabby's call for family to fill up my bench then rock out a jungle wiggly to dish out 60 damage with do the wave. hence 'tsunami' water + wave
get it? aren't I creative?
Jungle Jigglypuff x4
Jungle Wigglytuff x4 <------also if it would be a great idea I *may* be willing to buy wigglytuff ex but it is expensive...
Fossil Krabby x4
Fossil Kingler x2 <--------- if it would be a good investment I'm willing to buy Fr/Lg Kinglers.
Rocket Magikarp x1
Base Magikarp x1 <---- I *could* buy another rocket magikarp if neccissary instead of the base one
Base Gyarados x1
Rocket Dark Gyarados x1
rocket Challenge x4
base Bill x4
base oak x4.
base swich x? <--- for swiching pokemon without any swich cost. so I can get wiggly in. krabby is rather expensive so I may use alot :x
base gust x? <---- bother my opponents. maybe get a poke with a high retreat cost in and stall them out for a few turns...
my friend told me imposter oak's reveng + rocket sneak attack + rocket's trap was a sweet combo but I don't know how many of those I own atm... would that help my deck style by disableing my opponents so I can set up a wiggly?
water energy x20
double colorless x1 <---- I own one. but if neccissary I suppose i could buy a few more...
this is around 52 cards I'm not sure where I should get the other 8-10 depending. more in trainer? more in basic pokes?
basically I want an unlimited deck. with the principle being to use krabby's call for family to fill up my bench then rock out a jungle wiggly to dish out 60 damage with do the wave. hence 'tsunami' water + wave
Jungle Jigglypuff x4
Jungle Wigglytuff x4 <------also if it would be a great idea I *may* be willing to buy wigglytuff ex but it is expensive...
Fossil Krabby x4
Fossil Kingler x2 <--------- if it would be a good investment I'm willing to buy Fr/Lg Kinglers.
Rocket Magikarp x1
Base Magikarp x1 <---- I *could* buy another rocket magikarp if neccissary instead of the base one
Base Gyarados x1
Rocket Dark Gyarados x1
rocket Challenge x4
base Bill x4
base oak x4.
base swich x? <--- for swiching pokemon without any swich cost. so I can get wiggly in. krabby is rather expensive so I may use alot :x
base gust x? <---- bother my opponents. maybe get a poke with a high retreat cost in and stall them out for a few turns...
my friend told me imposter oak's reveng + rocket sneak attack + rocket's trap was a sweet combo but I don't know how many of those I own atm... would that help my deck style by disableing my opponents so I can set up a wiggly?
water energy x20
double colorless x1 <---- I own one. but if neccissary I suppose i could buy a few more...
this is around 52 cards I'm not sure where I should get the other 8-10 depending. more in trainer? more in basic pokes?
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