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Help me evolve Feebas

Ive got a feebas i want to evolve into milotic but it refuses to eat anymore poffin. Is this because pokemon can only eat a certain number or that enough time hasn't past yet (its been 2 days since he last ate any)
Any help would be appreciated


You need to start again. Each Pokémon can only eat a set amount of Poffin--use rarer berries and make better Poffins when you start on your next Feebas.
Have you leveled it up?

It will never be able to eat more pofin
Thanks alot ill just have to breed another good 1
Where can i get some of the rarer berries the best i have is Wiki and idk if that will cut it

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
This is for Forum Help, if you're having problems with Diamond or Pearl, go to the correct forum.