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Help me fix my team

Okay heres the problem I have. I want to make a team with a choice band dugtrio in it but I have too many pokes I want to use. I need anyone to help me narrow them down into a team with dugtrio in it please.

My physical sweeper: Dugtrio@Choice band/Heracross@Choice Scarf

My Special sweepers: Salamence@Choice Specs

My Spiker/Stealth rocker: Skarmory@Leftovers/Forretress@?/Claydol@?

My Rapid Spinner: Starmie@Choice Specs?/Claydol@?/Forretress@?

My Special Walls: Blissey@Leftovers/Milotic@leftovers

My Bulky waters: Swampert@Leftovers/Milotic@Leftovers

My Annoyers: Sceptile@Leftovers/Breloom@Toxic Orb

The problem I have is since I want Dugtrio in this team, I would need a rapid spinner(So I heard). Im thinking I would have to combine one of these groups to fit them all in.For example since forretress can be a spiker and a rapid spinner I could include a poke from each or my groups.

Anyway any help would be appreciated, Ive tried and I cant seem to come up with a choice since I'm fairly new to competitive battling. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Out of the pokemon you showed, the best options would probably be CScross, CSmence, Skarm, Blissey, Swampert, Starmie, and Breloom. I say keep CScross and CSmence, donphan for SR and rapid spin, blissey for special wall, skarm for physical wall and spiker, and a mixed wall (like spiritomb, dusknoir, or bronzong) would probably be good.
If you're determined to use mostly those pokemon, use donphan for your SR/spinner. Annoyers also don't really work as well.