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Help me out with some moves for these 3 Pokemon!


Never forgotten
Entei stinks. If you're looking for a hard fire type that will rip apart pokemon, get moltres instead. And entei is the worst in uber metagame.

1 Dragon Claw/ Ice Beam
2 Thunderbolt
3 Psychic(dont use in uber metagame)
4 Surf/ Calm Mind
Well as long as you bolt beam with a good nature latios is unstoppable in the frontier, but in ubers mewtwo rules

1 Thunderbolt
2 Crunch
3 Calm Mind
4 filler

Anyway just go on www.smogon.com to find cool movesets and ideas

Legendary Raikou

Well-Known Member
Entei stinks. If you're looking for a hard fire type that will rip apart pokemon, get moltres instead. And entei is the worst in uber metagame.

1 Dragon Claw/ Ice Beam
2 Thunderbolt
3 Psychic(dont use in uber metagame)
4 Surf/ Calm Mind
Well as long as you bolt beam with a good nature latios is unstoppable in the frontier, but in ubers mewtwo rules

1 Thunderbolt
2 Crunch
3 Calm Mind
4 filler

Anyway just go on www.smogon.com to find cool movesets and ideas

Ok thanks for the help! Yea I know about smogon.com, but its been a while since ive been there for real