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Help me with my Sapphire team

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Some Pokemon I have
;384; Level 100 Earthquake, Thunder, Dragon Claw, Ice Beam
;382; Level 88 Earthquake, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Water Sport
;381; Level 51 Luster Purge, Dragonbreath, Psychic, Aerial Ace
;380; Level 51 Psychic, Dragonbreath, Recover, Ice Beam
;384; Level 71 Surf, Water Pulse, Extremespeed, Dive
;257; Level 67 Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Sky Uppercut, Overheat
;382; Level 46 Body Slam, Earthquake, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump
;346; Level 47 Ingrain, Solarbeam, Acid, Confuse Ray
I have over 120 pokemon so if you say i need a different one I might have it.
I am willing to train my pokemon to level 100.
I am willing to change my pokemon's moves


kyogre100 said:
Some Pokemon I have
;384; Level 100 Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Aerial Ace, Rock Slide
;382; Level 88 Calm Mind, Thunder, Ice Beam, Surf
;381; Level 51 Calm Mind, Dragon Claw, Thunderbolt, Recover
;380; Level 51 Calm Mind, Dragon Claw, Thunderbolt, Recover
;384; Level 71 Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Aerial Ace, Rock Slide
;257; Level 67 Swords Dance, Rock Slide, Sky Uppercut, Overheat
;382; Level 46 Calm Mind, Thunder, Ice Beam, Surf
;346; Level 47 Rock Slide, EQ, Toxic, Recover
I have over 120 pokemon so if you say i need a different one I might have it.
I am willing to train my pokemon to level 100.
I am willing to change my pokemon's moves
Toss the extra Rayquaza and Kyogre. Keep either Latios or Latias, but not both. Cradily isn't good IMO. Blaziken doesn't belong with Ubers, but its ingame so it's fine. Needs more Ninjask IMO. Not sure what to do for a 6th Pokemon.

Ninjask@Liechi Berry
Timid Nature (+Spd,-SpA)
Speed Boost
250 Attack/252 Speed/8 HP
-Baton Pass
-Swords Dance
-HP Flying/Aerial Ace/Silver Wind


All uber team...use Psycic with Latios, no netbattle here. Cradily is meh, for me that is. So final team.....
Ninjask,Kygore,Groudon,Latios, and um...what else do you have that is 'good'. Use Blaziken05's movesets, or go to Smogon(can't link) for help.


Psychic isn't the best attacking type...Let's see...Super Effective against Poison and fighting. Rayquaza alone can take on those types with AA and EQ. So It wouldn't go over Dragon Claw and T-Bolt IMO, though it's up to you.
...but Kyogre can still OHKO Rayquaza with Ice Beam, and Groudon can hit Rayquaza hard with Rock Slide.


No, I mean Rayquaza's ability screws Groudon and Kyogre so don't use all 3 on a team...
Broodstar said:
No, I mean Rayquaza's ability screws Groudon and Kyogre...

Not really. They can still do a ton of damage, even without their weather effects.


Meh...oh well. Oh, what is your team, not just random pokemon.


Here is my new team, sorry I haven't been on lately I was at a friends for about a month
He doesn't have internet.

kyogre level 100 thunderbolt, water spout, ice beam, and earthquake
Raquaza level 100 thunder, dragon claw, ice beam, and earthequake
Blaziken level 68 sky uppercut, fire blast overheat, and flamethrower
Mewtwo level 71 Swift, earthquake, recover, and psycik
Charizard level 62 Fire blast, blast burn, flamethrower, and fly
Salamance level 51 Ariel ace, Dragon claw, dragonbreath, flamethrower


kyogre100 said:
Here is my new team, sorry I haven't been on lately I was at a friends for about a month
He doesn't have internet.

kyogre level 100 thunder, surf, ice beam, and calm mind
Raquaza level 100 Dragon Dance, Aerial Ace, rock slide I think, and earthequake
Blaziken level 68 sky uppercut, Rock Slide overheat, and swords dance
Mewtwo level 71 Ice Beam, T-Bolt, recover/calm mind , and psycik
Charizard level 62 Overheat, Belly Drum, EQ, and Aerial Ace
Salamance level 51 Ariel ace, Dragon Dance, EQ, Rock Slide
Your Pokemon are too similar


That was my legendary team but now I am going to create a team of annoyers, Thanks to Blaziken05 I decided to take his Idea


Annoyers...they aren't too bad, but if they only annoy, then they're worthless. And a whole team!? I wouldn't.

Wanna post some natures and held items too? Along with maybe an acceptable format? 'Cause that would make me happy.
Wow. Way to bump a 3-month old thread.

Annoyers fail. Period.


Well, I guess he's sorta allowed...him being the topic starter...but wow. I didn't realize he bumped it three months up.
It doesn't matter who is the creator of the thread; it's the age of the thread that matters.


Well I agree anoyers suck but I have nothin to do around the house so I am gonna spend as much time as possible on my saphire or FR.
SPN said:
Well, I guess he's sorta allowed...him being the topic starter...but wow. I didn't realize he bumped it three months up.

How about its not allowed at all 8)

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