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Help Me!


Veteran Trainer
My Nintendo GameCube's top wont close!The only way to make it work is to put the case on top of it.HELP ME!PLEASE!


its probably where it connects with the main case, like a lock, which is what the open button unlocks if you know what i mean.. check the inside, its probably gotten stuck, unfortuately you cant play on it without the top being down, as the top has a little outdentation which hits a switch which gets the cd to spin, thats to stop you from taking the cd out of the gamecube and clog up the game you're playing


an_idiot_ said:
its probably where it connects with the main case, like a lock, which is what the open button unlocks if you know what i mean.. check the inside, its probably gotten stuck, unfortuately you cant play on it without the top being down, as the top has a little outdentation which hits a switch which gets the cd to spin, thats to stop you from taking the cd out of the gamecube and clog up the game you're playing
Yep, I had that happen to me. Just hit it down fast like 10-20 times fast everytime you go to play it and push in and pull out the black switch. Also play with something on the lid to keep it closed.


Mush! Mush!
sliver_lord said:
Yep, I had that happen to me. Just hit it down fast like 10-20 times fast everytime you go to play it and push in and pull out the black switch. Also play with something on the lid to keep it closed.
I don't think that would work. Latios' idea is better.


i was having a proper look at the gamecube a minute ago and if you look at the opened lid, to the right of the sticker about not touching the lens, theres a little indent which, if you click down, should be stopped from coming up automatically,and the open button makes that thing that stops the top go into the gamecube, i reckon thats your problem, you need to unclog that thing...