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help my ledgendary moves

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Well-Known Member
i think going off topic majorly on someone elses thread and double posting is breaking the rules.

i apologized for double posting and i wasnt the one who changed the topic int he first place


Well-Known Member
The closest thing to a 100% unbeatable pokemon is probably Deoxys

oh yeah? what attacks whould you pic for your unbeatable deoxys?? i need opinions here guys cause i have a deoxys in my team...

REALLy sorry for the double again but i need these attacks Pronto... thanx in advance...


<-If only it was red
Right, for Latios, use this set:

Latios+Sould dew (If you can) If not, use lum berry (Not everything should have leftys, it'll be too predictable)

Calm mind
Ice beam/thunderbolt/Psychic
Tunderbolt/Ice beam/Psychic

Stratagy: Calm mind until about 1/2 hp, and Lum berry'll save you from status, then, recover damage, and sweep with your attacking moves, you'll have very high sp.def and sp.atk by this point.

And, by the way, K-flygon, you've spammed, and tried to hijack a thread in doing so, you've double posted twice, and now you've spammed again, trying to hijack the thread again, I've reported you, there's no excuse for it.

And, all you who responded to the spam posts, you should have just ignored them, and reported K-flygon, as responding to spam just makes more spam.
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oh yeah? what attacks whould you pic for your unbeatable deoxys?? i need opinions here guys cause i have a deoxys in my team...

REALLy sorry for the double again but i need these attacks Pronto... thanx in advance...

Read my post. There is no such thing as an unbeatable Pokemon, including Deoxys (and did you forget that Deoxys has 4 forms? You didn't even specify).


Well-Known Member
Read my post. There is no such thing as an unbeatable Pokemon, including Deoxys (and did you forget that Deoxys has 4 forms? You didn't even specify).

youre right sorry.. i have emerald version so technically i have speed form.. and i dont want andunbeatable pokemon but a really strong one... if you know any good attacks please post them...



Deoxys-E @Leftovers
-Calm Mind
-Ice Beam/Fire Punch/Recover
-Thunderbolt/Fire Punch/Recover
Uh... this isn't even worth it. >_<

K-Flygon, if you want a team rated, MAKE YOUR OWN THREAD... please. Don't just post in someone else's thread.

And stop posting multiple times in a row.

This thread is just spam now. >_>;;

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