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HELP! Mystery gift/Deoxys question

Don Knotts

Boulder Trainer
Ok, crazy weird question here, I doubt anyone will be able to answer it.

First, the (brief) story.

I heard about the offer from Nintendo UK to DL a Aurora ticket onto FR/LG/E. Luckily, I have an uncle in england. Twenty english pounds and several envelopes later, I have mailed my uncle my LG/E carts, he has mailed them to Nintendo UK, They have mailed them back to him, and he has emialed them back to me.

Well, long story short, they did not give me the Aurora ticket, though it seems they tried. On my Emerald cart, if I go to mystery ticket (only with the wireless adapter plugged in), under "Wonder Card" it tells me that I have an "Exchange Ticket" for the Aurora Ticket. I don't really know what that means, but I have the option to either "recieve" or "toss" it.

Of course, I try recieve, and it gives me two more options "Wireless Communication" and "Friend". If I try the first, it attempts to make a wireless communication, to who or what I don't know. I am hoping this means I would get the Aurora Ticket if it connected wirelessly with another wireless adapter armed GBA, but I don't know.

If I try the second option, "Friend", it then lists numbers 1-16. If I try to choose any of the said numbers, I just get the "thud" sound associated with bumping into a wall in the game.

And I am bumping into a wall. Nintendo UK hasn't responded to my questions about this, but are willing to let me mail my carts to them again.

Anyone understand whats going on here? If someone can help me get this working with out having to mail my carts to England again, I will trade you a Mew, Celebi, Deoxys, whatever you want. I'll mail you my pokemon stuff I got from the Celebi and Mew events. I'll give you money.

I'll do just about anything!



They didn't gave you the ticket.That's what happened to me before I got the Mystyc Ticket.

~Fang Out;254;

Don Knotts

Boulder Trainer
Huh? Are you saying that with what they gave me, I can get the auroa ticket, or not?


To put it simpler :

When you turned on the Mystery Gift,a grey screen must have appeared telling you that you have received the ticket.If so,then when you turn on your LG/E and go to the port it must be as a destination.

~Fang Out;254;


Dynamo Trainer
Well, long story short, they did not give me the Aurora ticket, though it seems they tried. On my Emerald cart, if I go to mystery ticket (only with the wireless adapter plugged in), under "Wonder Card" it tells me that I have an "Exchange Ticket" for the Aurora Ticket. I don't really know what that means, but I have the option to either "recieve" or "toss" it.

Anyone understand whats going on here? If someone can help me get this working with out having to mail my carts to England again, I will trade you a Mew, Celebi, Deoxys, whatever you want. I'll mail you my pokemon stuff I got from the Celebi and Mew events. I'll give you money.

That Exchange Ticket means that you got the download from Nintendo. In order to receive the actual Aurora Ticket and activate Birth Island, you must go upstairs in a Pokemon Center and look for a man wearing green who was not there before (he should be just above the escalator). Talk to him to get the ticket and Birth Island will automatically be activated. After that, you can visit Birth Island from Slateport or Vermilion City.

Don Knotts

Boulder Trainer
Thanks for trying to help guys, but...

1) there has been no grey screen telling me I got the ticket

2) There is no man upstairs at the pokemon center wearing green to give me the ticket.

Like I said, I baffled. I wonder if it's because it's a USA cart working with the UK Aurora ticket dispenser?


I had my save game start at the 2nd floor of the Pokemon center. The man was not there. I then had to save somewhere else, restart my game, and then go to the second floor. Then, he was there.

Mission accomplished. All is right with the world.